#9. WHAT.....

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Anya barged into the room. She heard everything what her father said.

"Chichi-" Anya said while tears flooding through her eyes.

"Is anya from another world?" She could not believe what her father just said.it was very difficult for a 5 yrs.old child to process all of this.

"Anya don't want another parents!!!" She yelled, and ran out of the room. Loid was not able to say anything. It was hard for him as well

Anya suddenly bumped into someone. It was itadori

"Hey anya" Itadori wished her with a smile on his face. He suddenly noticed anya's crying face.

"Why are you crying!? Is something wrong?" He asked anya in a worried tone. Anya hugged itadori's leg. He took her in his arms and tried to calm her down.

"Chichi..." Anya said while holding itadori's hoodie tightly.
Itadori felt a very strong connection between him and anya, like he wanted to protect her no matter what,even it means sacrificing his own life.

"What are you to me Anya. Why do I want to protect you no matter what..."
Itadori thought to himself.

Suddenly itadori's mind was flooded by memories that he does not recognizes like it wanted to tell him something.

Suddenly he came across a memory.
In the memory he can see himself in a hospital with tears in his eyes. He was sitting next to a pink haired women whose face was blurred and she was holding a newborn baby.

"What..."Itadori snapped out of the memory. He was crying.

"I finally found out the truth. I need to tell this to loid as soon as possible"

• Season 1 of 'an unexpected event' is finally over.....this was small but beautiful journey with you all. Season 2 will soon be released till then take care of yourself.

-From: The creator 🌸🌸

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