Sanada shook his head.

'Too many competitors'


Ran's eyes shine brightly when the food they order was already serve. "Wow~ they look all delicious!" She said enthusiasm and claps her hand together with her chopstick.
The big three just watching her with a smile on their face. "Thank you for the food everyone! I didn't know your be this generous to me." Ran with a teary eyes while smiling at them. The big three's face heat up. They don't know what to say.

There's only one thing on their mind with union.

'She's too adorable!'

As Ran licked her lips to start eating. The big three gulped several times and averted their to the girl who didn't even noticed her effect on them. "Let's go eat!" She start grilling the meat while taking a bowl and then put a soap of ramen while taking a sushi a tempura chicken and put them on her plate. The big three thought she's done but she take another dishes to add more.

"Are you sure you can finish that all Ran?" Yukimura asked. Ran turn to him and smile while nodding. Yukimura smile too. "You sure are hungry." Ran just nodded because her mouth was already stuffed with food.

Twenty minutes passed. "Oi! That's my share!" Sanada retorted. Ran took his food and eat.

"Your a sloppy eater Sanada-San." Ran smiled with triumphed at Sanada.

"And what happen to Genichirou? Why a sudden formal Ran?" Sanada asked annoyed. "And that's my food! Stop taking it!"

"I can call you whatever I want. And I can steal your food whatever I want." Ran state as her tongue out of him. Sanada sighed in defeat.

"You can have mine Ran. I don't mind." Yukimura smiled at her.

"Really?! I can hug you for this!" She said and took Yukimura's meat. He felt his cheeks heat up of Ran's statement.

"You can have mine too Ran. I don't mind." Yanagi Interjected. Yukimura glance at him with glinted warning in his eyes.

"Sorry Seiichi. But we're on a competition." Yanagi smirked.

"Do you wanna face your circumstances during practice Renji? I could arrange for that." Yukimura smiled. But in a sadistic way. Yanagi can tell. However..

"Losing to my competitors are already circumstances to me. I'm just being cautious of everything. And you know that's my style Seiichi." Yanagi said and looked the girl infront of them that seems didn't even bothered the world as she eat her food. Yanagi shook his head and smiled. "To think that she didn't even have any idea of our competition."

The three just sighed. Right there and then. They already knew of how difficult to show her their affection.


"How did you learn to fight like that Ran?" Yukimura asked. Sanada and Yanagi stiffened.
They wanted to know but they afraid to ask. Good thing Yukimura has courage to asked.

Ran paused for a moment. She suddenly caught of guard of his question. "Street." A short reply from her. Sanada notice—-even Yanagi and Yukimura that that the girl's presence changed.

"Sorry for my question but, I'm curious of why you have to learn to fight in the first place?" Yukimura added. He really wanted to know. He wanted to know her.

"To survive in this cruel world..." Ran murmured. Despited of the place crowded and noises. They still heard her. And that stunned them.

"Cruel world...?" Yukimura whispered. Frowning at her. But before he got further. A voice crossed their table.

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