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RAN was walking at the hallway to her class period when she noticed her surround gossiping. They eying her—not the usual that she used to but something...

"She's lucky!"

"This is the first time that tennis club regulars hangout with a girl."

"Well, she's beautiful though. What did you expect?"

"But you know... I thought she a prime and proper image—-or a snob persona. I thing I was wrong."

"She's a slut."


"What? I'm telling the truth. Wait 'till Masaki Arima know this. That girl will be dead." Ran slowly cocked her head towards the gossipers. Then she gave them a very cold glared that will creeped even in their sleep.

"Hmm.. will see about that bitches." She said and smirked. The student around the hallway shrunk away. There's something in her smile that send shiver to the very tip of they're being.

They frightened by her!

Ran continued walking. She took her matebook and typing something. It bothered her that something happened behind her back. It really gave her uneasiness.

She reviewed the camera since four a.m in the morning till now. She watched every corner where those cameras assigned.
Her eyebrows raised when there was one student whom went to the bulletin board while holding something and pasted it there.
Ran did a zoom of the camera image in front of the bulletin board to take a closer looked.
Now her eyebrows made a one tin line when an XXL sized picture of her and the tennis club regulars—-that maybe someone took it from yesterday at Hot Cafe was in the bulletin.
Right there and then. Ran knew that someone wants to humiliate her and set her up.

'Nice try though. Nice try' she as she thought about it.

She just shrug. As if something like that can shake her. She made 'tsk' sound and continue walking.



"Ran! Are you alright?" Akaya asked her with so much concern. He is worried about her.
If he will find out who spread that rumored will be in great hell.

"Why should I'm not?" She asked with a bored expression. Kirihara taken a back.
Yeah right. As if she cares about it. Kirihara just sighed.

"About the rumored that spreading like a wild fire." Kirihara said while taking another bite of his sushi.

"Ah, that?" Ran sighed and the smile afterward. "Why you guys have to be this popular? Your fans starting to hunt me." Then she laugh. Kirihara just cocked his head vertically and gave Ran a confused look.

"That fans of ours—-especially Yukimura Buchou's fans are violence. They can hurt you if they wanted too." Kirihara explained. He just can't imagine Ran getting hurt by They're fans.

"Hmm. Scary." She just said as she took Kirihara's rice balls and ate it. Kirihara hissed at her and she just shrug.

"Seriously. You didn't even bothered about it?" Kirihara questioned and immediately took his plate when Ran was about to take his food again. "And seriously! This is my food!" He hissed.

"You! Your so selfish! Share that with me! I'm still hungry!" She hissed at him too. Kirihara stared her at with a deadpanned looked.

"I can't figured you out sometimes. But seriously Ran. Don't treat our fans lightly. I will accompany you from n—-" Ran waved her hand at him—silencing him.

"I don't need a chaperone." She grin. A grinned that Kirihara gulped. "Remember that Kazuki bastard of the studio? Your fans will be like him if they cross the line." Ran smiled widened as the way she stabbed Kirihara's last sushi using her chapstick and eat it.

Kirihara's eyes widened as he watched how Ran murdered his food!
Now his taking back of what he said that Ran was innocence and never hurt someone. Because right now. He only sees the brutal side of her!

Scary! I will never cross to her bad side..

Just remembering that scene in the studio—was already enough evidence of how scary she was.

"Are you scared of me Akaya?" Ran suddenly asked and Kirihara stilled. Giving her a question look. "It's all over your face." Ran sighed.

"N-Nah...I'm just wondering not to get into your bad side Ran. Your scary." He honestly said with a sweat drop.

"Silly. I'm not that bad." She laugh at him as she drink her water.
Ran bet—she somehow scared Akaya Kirihara who has a devil mode.
She mentally 'tsk' at the thought of it.


Ran woke up still early. Checked everything. Especially her surrounding.
Yesterday was quit quiet, and no unusual happening. But she still never let her guard down.

As she already change for her jogged outside—she glance at her monitor one last time and went off.

Ran started to jogged as she put her two earphone on her ear to listen a music.

When she's near at pool area—almost back at the school. Someone standing and leaning in the wall. Ran try to see who it is but can't.
A minute later. She already know who was he.

"What are you doing here?" She raised her browed as she asked him. His wearing his jersey shirt dark yellow with a black striped and a jogging pants with the same color.

The court and the pool area are way of a distance.
So what this guy doing here in this early morning. The last thing she will do, is associate with is him.

He didn't say anything. He just looking at her from head to toe. After a few minutes. He looked away. But never escaped Ran's sharp eyes his redden face.

He cleared his throated and said. "You shouldn't wear that kind of cloths here." He said as his blue haired blown by a sudden. It's still early so the cold breeze blowed a bit strong.

"I can wear whatever I want." She said irritably. "Besides. It's still early and no one come at this——"

"I came. How's that?" He turn his gazed at her. His piercing blue eyes bore into her scarlet one. She raised her eyebrow again.

"Your annoying you know that?" She didn't hide her irritation on him. She wants him to know that his an eyesore. But the bastard just smile. A bipolar one. He's creepy.

"Really? You find me annoying?" Yukimura's smile became wider this time. He looked amused by her. "What a coincidence. I felt the same." After he said that he lost his smile and replaced with a hard featured. "Stay away from my teammates. And stop hindering their practice. We have a National to face ahead." He said as his dark aura growing. Ran just smirked at him.

"Don't tell me." Her smirked grow wider. She will never give Seiichi Yukimura a satisfaction. "Tell them. It's not my fault if they find me irresistible——" Ran didn't finish her words as Yukimura quickly pushed her against the wall and grabbed of her both hands with his to trap them.

Now his towering over her. She never felt this so small in her life. Just now. With him. Her one hundred fifty two centimeters was a joke to his hight—one hundred seventy five centimeters right now.

He bend down to level with her. Now their faces was an inch closer. "Listen carefully girlya. This is a warning...stay away from them especially Akaya Kirihara—"

"No. Your not the boss of me dude." She said and smirked. But instantly wipe out as Yukimura Seiichi's lips touched hers.

Hew! See you next update hehehehe

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