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THE BIG three and Asusagawa Ran was still look to each other unmoving.

As the big three. They don't know how to reacted— what to say. The scene was unreal as they stiffed still rooted in their placed.

Until Ran's stomached made a growled.
Her knees wobbled as she fell to the ground. The big three hurriedly approached her.

"Are you alright?" They asked in union.

"I'm so hangry...." As a cue. another growled from her stomached echoed. Ran just veiled smile and shyly rubbed the back of her head.

Yukimura, Yanagi and Sanada find it amusing so they started chuckling a little.

"What so funny of my hunger?" Ran asked the three while pouting. These guys are demon! They didn't know that she's starving to death!

"Nah, Nah," Yukimura extended his hand of her. "C'mon. We'll going to take you to the best restaurant in Kanagawa." Yukimura smiled. "Right guys?"

Yanagi and Sanada nodded. "Yes. And I will pay your bill—-anything you want to eat is on me. As a thank you gift for destroying our ego." Sanada said his stoic face. Ran can't tell if his joking or serious. She just pout even more. While Yanagi and Yukimura laugh at Sanada's remark. Among the three. Sanada was the most prideful and old fashion guy.

Maybe his upset by Ran saving his ass.

"Even if I felt your sarcasm. I still accept the food! Lets go!" Ran excitedly got up and went ahead.

"She's really weird." Yanagi commented.

"But you like his weirdness." Sanada interjected. Yukimura lost his smile.

"Hmm.. She's a beautiful way." Yanagi said. Truthfully. "She's just not beautiful. She is smart—no, a genius. Strong, and my kind of type girl."

"Your not alone Yanagi. I like her too." Sanada said in a serious ton. "So.. may the best man win then."

"Niou, Yagyu and Marui likes her too, 99%. As for Kuwahara and our freshman. 90% friendship and 5% romantic." Yanagi calculated. He observe them based on their reaction.

"Oi! What the hell are you waiting for! Let's go!" Ran exclaim with frowned face.

Yanagi and Sanada Sanada sighed. While Yukimura was still quite. Then suddenly Yanagi turn to those six people lying on the ground. "What are we going to do with those guys?"

They can't leave these bastard here. They can't let them escape. They are their target after all.Yanagi wanted to know who's behind this sabotaged.

"Yanagi. Why don't you call your uncle to arrest them. After Nationals. We will interrogate them to this sabotaged." Sanada's coldness and stoic face stay still.

"Hey! Are coming or not? I'll going alone! I'm so hungry—-"

"Ran wait. What about these guys?" Yanagi asked. Ran's face turn into grimed and the dark aura is growing around her. And three saw it. It's actually gave them a goosebump. "Okay! Okay! We're coming!" Yanagi give up. She look scary there for a moment.

Sanada chuckled. "Your a wimp now Yanagi." Yanagi just sighed. "I just don't want to be like those people that still lying unconscious right now." Yanagi continue while walking. "Besides. I can still call my uncle right now to pick those guys up."

Sanada just hmm for a responds. They just noticed of Yukimura's silent. "You okay Yukimura?" Sanada asked.

"Yeah." He said shortly. Sanada furrowed. Just while ago his laughing. But when Yanagi admitted that he like the girl. And Yukimura started his silent...

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