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"ON you're left Senpai. Meters away. There's a door but be careful." Ran warning Tetsuya Mokuyama as she lead him the to the victim's room.

"What's inside Ran-Chan?" Ran grimaced as the loud error from her earbud.

"Keep you're voice tune down Tetsuya Senpai. You're going to break my eardrums anytime soon." She complaint as she dig and crashed her chips inside her mouth. Mokoyama tsk! As the sound of it.

"And for goodness sake! Stop eating while talking onto earbud! My ears can't handle it anymore! I can't clearly hear you too!" He hissed. Ran have to take out her bud or else it will broke her eardrums.

"Stop shouting then! Tsk!"

"Sorry, sorry. Now what's inside?" He asked calmly.

"There's a one eyed giant orc guarding the door." Ran said sarcastically. Mokoyama groaned in annoyance.

"Remind me to call Ryu Sazuki to Annoy you." He said firmly annoyed. Ran pout. Even if that 'guy' will the last person left in the world, she will definitely ignore him.

Her lips pout even more when she remembered that annoying brother of her.

They are the same. Sooo annoying. The least I would want to do is to interacted with them!

  "Fine. There's a trap and a dozen of army of that Mafia boss. I think they already knew that you were coming to save their precious hostage." She said flatly.

"How come?"

"Haller! You've been yelling the whole time. How would they know some intruder got in? Even when I already hacked their system. They will still find you because of you're high pitch voice." She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "You acted like you're not in a mission."


"They expecting you to crash the door."

"They will regret ambushing Tetsuya Mokoyama then." He boastfully said. Ran tsk!

"Tetsuya Senpai. You have a victim to save you know? Save him first and then do whatever you want. Don't disappoint Keir okay." She remind him seriously. Keir asked her assessment for Tetsuya Mokoyama's mission while ago. She gladly took it since her subject didn't move yet. Now she's in her room busy typing the two keyboard--of course while eating her favorite chips. (Tetsuya Mokoyama was unlucky today because she have her chips, she can't stop eating it)  while assisting her Senpai to complete his job. But  this boastful creature  has been ruining her plan!
As much as possible. She don't want a fail mission. Not in Keir watch.

"Okay. Okay. You're so serious. Don't worry. I won't fail. Not in my master's watch." He said while smiling. He can't believe sometimes how Ran so passionate of her job. She don't to disappoint her life saver. Of course, just like him. "Lead me to another way. Our bookkeeper." He smirked. She's right. Job's come first before plying.

"Roger that Senpai." Ran said as she navigate her Senpai to the safest way to save the victim.

I hope it will done early. I have gig tomorrow to prepare with. 


Yukimura has been in a bad mode since Friday, when he came back to the court. The whole regulars can feel it.
They didn't know what happened to him before that but they can clearly seen the dark aura around him. Even though his smiling but his eyes were sharped and menacing. They almost died because of his way of training.

But to Yanagi Renji, Sanada Genichirou confusion. The wicked captain of Rikkaidai fuzoku tennis club was torturing Akaya Kirihara more than anyone else. The other regurals might not see it but not to them. They know Yukimura Seiichi more.

Untamed जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें