Wow you're still here?

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I HATE HER! She knew I love egg sandwiches BUT SHE TOOK THE LAST ONE! I sit in frustration, tomorrow I will kick her in the shins. I pull out a sheet of paper and I doodle her as beaver with flies all around her. I keep on doodling ugly drawings of her but then my mom walks in. I quickly shove them in my mouth. Man, I'm so smart.

"Oh hey, mom!," I say with the papers still in my mouth.

Mom looks at me and sighs, "Alex sweetie, what did I say about eating random stuff? It's you in kindergarten eating crayons all over again".

"Those crayons were delicious!," I say in defense.

Mom shakes her, "I know how Emily took the last egg sandwich so I made some for you!"

I jump from my seat, "EGG SANDWICHES!?!"

I devour the egg sandwiches in seconds. Egg sandwiches, the most delicious food in the whole world. Mom walks away clearly wondering what she did wrong in her parenting. Well my mood is lifted! Time for unnecessary amount of the internet! A dog skating with sunglasses. Love it! A weird fact I definitely never wanted to know. That's the internet for you!

Hours go by as I scroll and scroll. I don't notice it's MIDNIGHT!? What!? I push open the curtains. Darkness. Black starry night. I swear it was just sunny! I hurry to sleep. This is the 33rd time this happened. Must be the work of a certain girl with buckteeth

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