S1, Ep 5: In Blackest Night Part 2

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Flash: "They're railroading you, pal." A lizard man suddenly grabs Flash from behind, putting him in a chokehold. "Hey!"

Flash struggles to free himself, but the scuffle is interrupted.

F. Judge: "Wait. This being may have a point. We don't want any lingering doubts about our final judgement, do we?"

Judge 2: "No. Of course not. But who would speak for John Stewart?"

The lizard man let's go of Flash.

Flash: "Don't you have any lawyers here?"

Judge 1: "We solved our lawyer problem a long time ago."

F. Judge: "However, you could speak for him, if you wish."

Judge 1: "But be aware, if you lose, you will share the same penalty as the accused."

Flash: "The same penalty. You mean..." He looks down at John's shackles, before looking back up at the judges. "That's crazy!"

Judge 1: "No. That's how we solved our lawyer problem. What's your answer?"

John: "Don't do it."

Flash: "What? You think I'm gonna sit back and watch while you play martyr?" He looks up at the judges. "I'll defend him."

Judge 1: "Very well. Proceed."

Flash: "Right. Sure."

Flash gets on the flying podium, and it brings him up to the judges.

Flash: "But first, I'd like to say a few words about..." He thinks for a moment. "About habeas corpus. Yeah, habeas corpus."

Hawkgirl just facepalms as Flash continues to talk. Ampfibian just watches in mild amusement. Ampfibian then glances down, seeing that the Green Lanterns are gone. He pokes Hawkgirl, getting her attention. Ampfibian then points down at where they were sitting, with Hawkgirl realizing it too. The two of them then sneak away from the court room.


We cut to later in a cafeteria. Hawkgirl and Ampfibian are wandering around. They both eventually see the Green Lanterns, and walk over to them.

Galius: "Waiter, another round."

Hawkgirl and Ampfibian reach their table as the waiter sets down more food for the lanterns.

Hawkgirl: "Why aren't you at the trial?"

Galius: "We couldn't stand it anymore."

Arkkis: "John Stewart's made us all look bad."

Hawkgirl: "So much for the vaunted loyalty of the Lantern Corps."

Ampfibian: "I'll say." He crosses two of his tentacles. "It seems the Plumbers had more loyalty to each other than you guys."

Arkkis: "Those guys? Hah! They were just a bunch of nobodies."

Ampfibian gets aggravated at that, but he tries his best to hide it.

Ampfibian: "A bunch of nobodies that were actually loyal to each other."

Arkkis: "One name: Driscoll."

Ampfibian: "One bad apple doesn't make a bunch." He growls, before pointing at each of the lanterns individually. "And from what I see, there are a whole lot of bad apples in the Lantern Corps."

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