His calm demeanor was scaring the hell out of me. It seems like he could see past my mask. I shook it off as I approached our original seats, and my food had arrived. I did not have any appetite, but I had to eat without raising any suspicion.

Sky looked lovey dovey, and so was Dante. They were cuddling each other as if Matteo and I were not there.

"Good news. We're official." Sky chirped, and I gave her a smile, but it was forced. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her, but I was fearful of what I had done.

I might be in possible danger.

Dante looked like he was over the moon, but Matteo had called him to come. He gave Sky a peck before he left. It's pretty peculiar of Matteo to leave so abruptly. Well, not really, but kind of.

"So?" I asked, and Sky had the widest smile on her face. "So. He just told me some Italian gibberish, but I understood most of it. In short, he said he likes me and he wants to be my boyfriend." She ate her macaroni with some veggies.

"That cool." I slurped the spaghetti. My mind kept wondering onto Lucas. I don't even know what he looks like, but he might be put for me and use me as a link to Matteo's family.

Sky and I finished eating, and Matteo and Dante were gone. We were walking to the car, and Sky was telling me something, but I was too distracted to be listening. Her phone rang, and she frowned.

"Who is it?" I clicked on my seatbelt, and her frown turned to scowl.

"It's Serena." She said, and I wondered why a woman who hated our guts would call.

"Are you going to answer it?" I asked as I turned on the emission of the car.

"Umm." She bit her lip, which is a thing she does when she is about to do the opposite of what I just asked her.

"Come on. Let's just see what she wants." I rolled my eyes, and I went to the nearest gas station to fill my tank because it was empty.

"Hi, Aunt Serena." She fake cheered and put the phone on speaker.

"Yeah, are the nerdy one or the other one?" Her voice sounding like gravel because of all the years of smoking.

"The other one." Skyler gave me a sheepish smile. "Whatever. Your grandparents are here looking for you. Get your shit and come here." She said harshly.

The woman I call grandmother and the man I call grandfather are looking for us. They haven't spoken to us since what, five years ago? These people barely speak to us. What would they want now?

"One problem, aunt Serena." Sky had the funniest grimace on her face. She does that when she is either frustrated or nervous or both.

"Umm. We're not in Massachusetts. We're in Rome. Italy." We both waited for a response.

"Do I sound like I give a fuck? Your annoying grandparents say they won't leave until they see you." Aunt Serena's cold voice said.

"Well, we don't wanna see them." Sky hung up, and I gave her an incredulous look.

"You do realize that they aren't gonna stop calling." I said, and Sky sighed as I reversed the car.

I'm not doing anymore traveling. I am exhausted, and I have my own problems. If they truly want to see us, they will properly call us and explain themselves.

They had the nerve to tell our thirteen year old selves that it was our fault that our parents were dead. They did not even support our parents' marriage, but they now want us. Do they even deserve the title, grandparents?

We finally got home, and my suspicion was right. She had been receiving a call from an unknown number, which could be them. Sky's ring tone rang once again, feeling an annoying screech in my inner lobe.

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