Throughout her pregnancy, Isabella's hormones were all over the place. We'd often squabble about the smallest things but by the end of the day, we'd cuddle it out with an apology and snack on her favourite things.

I placed my camera down and walked over to the two. Lucia immediately  got ahold of my shirt and forced her way into my arms.

"Did you miss Ma?" I asked.

Lucia let out gibberish as an answer and let her head rest on my shoulder.

Our little girl ended up getting the best genes out both Isabella and I. Her eyes were more of a greenish while her hair the same dark black as Isabella's. Even though she was still a baby, I could tell she inherited Isabella's attitude. I could also tell that she was going to be a 'mama's baby' by the way she always looks for Isabella when she wasn't in the same room.

"You still mad at me?" I ask.

"No matter how many times you work on my nerves, you know I can't stay mad at you forever." Isabella replied, placing a peck on my lips.

"Did she have a good nap?" I ask.

"I think so. She woke up a couple minutes after I entered the room." Isabella explained and started rummaging in the drawer.

Not long after Lucia's birth, we noticed she had difficulty breathing and was persistently coughing. After getting her checked out by the doctor, Lucia was diagnosed with asthma. Luckily it wasn't too severe and with the correct procedures, she'd be fine. Lucia hasn't had any asthma attacks and only had a bit difficulty breathing every now and then.

The little bundle of energy started stirring in my arms and reached out to Isabella, her hands opening and closing.


Isabella took Lucia back into her arms and took her to the changing station in the corner of our room. She also changed her into different clothes, a comfy little grey pants with a pink jumper.

To be honest, Lucia surprised me a bit.

When she started making random sounds, I started thinking about what she would call me. Naturally, she'd call Isabella 'mama', but I was thinking about what'd she'd refer to me as. The thought of being called 'dada' or 'dad' was foreign to me but wasn't weird.

Isabella told me that kids were intelligent and that she'd figure it out on her own.

And that's exactly what Lucia did.

She started reffering to me as 'ma' and as for Isabella 'mama'.

After changing Lucia, all three of us headed downstairs. I kept my little girl company while Isabella headed to the kitchen to make us something to eat.

Lucia was comfortably laying on my lap with her feet kicking in the air and her hands trying to take hold of mine that tickled her. Her laughter filled the room and made me feel complete.

I never really thought about having a kid of my own. Even before I got to know Isabella, the thought of marriage remained as a complete mystery to me. I wasn't sure what I wanted and thought that I'd make that decision once I reached the age of the thirty or something. But, Isabella ended up coming into my life and changing everything for the better.

After finding out that she was pregnant, we decided to get married in a courthouse with only close relatives and friends to witness the exchange of rings. Both Isabella and I wasn't one for anything to extravagant but my mother definitely went all out on our wedding attire. Isabella tried telling my mom there was no need , leaving me in shock that my dearest mother actually took time considering it.

The two of them started becoming more closer after our wedding and would go on brunch while my dad and I would look after little Lucia. Diana –Isabella's mom– didn't want anything to do with Belle at first but eventually reached out after Lucia's birth. She gave a heart-felt apology to her daughter because of the way she treated her and even shed a few tears.

As for Isabella's dad, she hasn't heard from him ever since the last time he asked her to go to Italy with him. She also didn't bother reaching out to him and said that she only hopes he's enjoying his life.

Isabella soon returned with three bowls. Two that contained fruit salad and the smaller one that contained some baby food.

I put on Lucia's bib and started feeding her while she sat on my lap.

"I feel like she'd have a growth spurt by the time she's 13 or something." I say, observing how quickly she was eating.

"You're thinking way ahead but I agree." Isabella chuckled, "Some of her clothes are barely fitting and she hasn't even had them for very long."

She lay her head on my shoulder and fed me some of her fruit salad.

"Ugh, I can already see my mother going on a shopping spree for baby clothes once she hears the news." I grumbled at the thought.

"Lucia is the apple of her grandparent's eye, I wouldn't blame her. Even I tend to spend a lot more than needed on some bibs and clothes for her."

"I guess you're right. Oh, which reminds me. How's it going with Lesley? Have you heard anything new from him yet?"

Lesley was supposedly Isabella's bestfriend but the two actually hate each other. A few weeks ago, he phoned Belle saying he needed some help with money. Isabella explained their relationship to me and said they use each other as a trump card. I asked her what you guy does for a living.

'Absolutely nothing. The idiot is mooching of on sugar mommy's and already saved more than enough once they get tired of him.'

Were her exact words.

"Nope. And I hope not to hear anything from either."

I chuckled at her response and leaned in, taking the strawberry between her lips and giving her peck as a thank you.


"Thank you."

"It's not a complim–"



"I love you."

She smiled and fed me another strawberry.

"I love you too."


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