Parent-teacher conference, a stupid muggle invention

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Harry ran as fast as he could but was still the last to arrive at the parent-teacher conference. He looked around the Hogwarts classroom guiltily. Transfiguration classes used to take place here. Thank Merlin that the meeting didn't occur in the potions classroom. Professor McGonagall gave him a friendly smile that increased his confidence. He noticed Ron; Hermione was obviously back at work. His friend gave him a friendly wink, and Harry grinned back at him. The seat next to Ron was taken. He realised with horror that the seating order determined whom their children sat with.

For some unknown reason, his Albus was friends with little Scorpius Malfoy. Harry made his way to the only available seat and resignedly slid into the chair next to Draco Malfoy. The latter smirked at him, which could mean anything from a greeting to an expression of disdain. Harry decided not to get upset and tried hard to listen to the professor's welcome speech. It was the first parent-teacher conference of the first year. Harry was familiar with this muggle custom where parents made organised visits to their children's schools to be publicly scolded for all their offspring's misdeeds in front of others.

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia never visited his muggle school. However, when they returned from visiting Dudley's school, it was usually with shouting and swearing at the teacher. In Harry's opinion, Dudley was never reprimanded, although he often deserved it. Harry had to smile at the idea of Lucius Malfoy sitting next to Vernon Dursley while Professor McGonagall, who hadn't changed over the years, listed the misdeeds of little Potter and Malfoy. It would have been impossible for muggle parents to visit Hogwarts during their studies. So much has changed!

Harry's mind soon began to wander far from the present. As he was back at school, he nostalgically remembered happy, sad and tragic experiences connected with the place. After Professor McGonagall's speech, other teachers came to introduce themselves. Harry smiled brightly at Neville, the Herbology professor. As Professor Binns spoke, he lost the last vestiges of his concentration and was roused from his lethargy by a firm nudge.

"Potter! Don't sleep!'

He should be grateful to Malfoy, but he felt totally embarrassed. He put on his glasses that had fallen off and looked sleepily around the class. Let the blond cocky think what he wants. Harry had been through several days of action with the Aurors and was glad to be alive at all. This time it was hazardous. Maybe it's time to find a less dangerous job, especially now that he's been given custody of eleven-year-old Albus after his divorce from Ginny. Harry kept his eye on the man sitting next to him. Of course, Malfoy was perfectly dressed, that he had to admit.

His clothes were far less flamboyant and more casually elegant than before. His hair was no longer impossibly slicked back but quite messy. Harry didn't even realise he was staring at him rather impolitely. Draco turned to him, and their eyes met for a moment. He expected the man to look at him contemptuously, but it didn't happen. He read something else in his eyes. As an Auror, he was able to interpret non-verbal signals. He might have thought it was a sign of interest if it hadn't been Malfoy. He looked away and sighed. He must be really too tired.

Hunger was added to all the suffering. When was the last time he ate? His stomach rumbled loudly. Merlin's beard! He tried to tame his unruly stomach with his hand, but of course, to no avail.

"Take this, Potter. What if there happened to be dementors here?'

Incredible. Malfoy had just handed him a chocolate bar. But the comments! He would have sent him to hell if he didn't feel like he would pass out with hunger.

"I see Mom didn't forget to send you the candy bars," he smirked but accepted the bar and bit into it hungrily.

"Yeah, these are from France. At least someone cares about me. On the other hand, you look rather neglected."

"Shut up, Malfoy."

Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, please talk to each other after the meeting is over," said Professor McGonagall's stern voice above them. "We'll be finishing up shortly, and you'll have a chance to discuss what you need."

Draco laughed. "Would you like to talk to me, Potter?"

Harry glared at him. "If you think we'll find a topic..." It was meant to be a rejection, but Draco obviously took it as confirmation.

"The topic - um, so probably our children. I invite you for a drink."

The unexpected turn of conversation took Harry aback that he could only give a hesitant nod.

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