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When I'm sad, when I'm mad, when I'm in a bad mood

You're always there

There to help me

To comfort me

To help me get through it

Every time you're sad, mad, in a bad mood

I'm also there

There to hold you

To help you

To talk to you

Help you through it

You're my trust

You're my good

You're my evil

We're a balance

A balance of trust and love

From both sides

A mutual feeling

Powerful enough to get us through the hardships of life

When you fall, I'll catch you

Will you catch me too?

Will we catch and hold onto each other?

That's what I asked you

That one night we talked

That one night I felt bad

Bad about myself

Bad about us

Scared of the future

"Yes we will,"

You said, taking my hands

"I will catch you if you fall"

I smiled, feeling warm

The trust and love between us

Makes me feel warm inside

Makes me feel genuine, happy, comforted

Do you feel it too?

Stories of a little poetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz