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We make our way around the local township, weaving in and out of some small seaside markets, we haven't said a word to each other since we left the villa.

Stopping by one of the tables, I glance down at the little crystal figurines. I run my fingers around the edges, tracing the lines of all the different characters. I feel Charles pull up right beside me.

"My grandmother used to collect these" I inform.

"Does Joe still have them?" He asks me.

I shake my head, trying desperately to swallow the lump that appeared in my throat. "No, her sister took them just after her funeral. Grandpa was in no mood to fight with her over it. But I remember when we would visit when we were little, she would give me 5 Euro to dust them all" I chuckle in remembrance.

"How many did she have?" He quizzes in a chuckle.

"Oh" I can't help but giggle, placing down the elephant figurine, "About 40 or 50. I am sure now I was getting paid well below minimum wage. But I guess for a 7 year old, that was a lot of money"

"She never worried you'd break any?" He teases as we continue through the different stalls.

"I broke one every single time I was dusting them" I announce, "But she didn't care. We'd come down to the market every day and replace them"

"She sounds like a lovely woman" Charles compliments.

I nod in pride, "She was."

We walk in silence again side by side, only stopping by a taste testing table for some sample cheeses.

"Are you still planning on attending Cambridge next fall?" He quizzes.

His question catches me slightly off guard because that was knowledge that I told 'Lee', not him.

I stop suddenly in the middle of the pathway, just starring at him.

"Adley, are you ok?" He asks, walking back to join me.

"Yeah" I shake myself out of it, "I just forgot that you know all these things about me"

I see the disappointment wash over him.

I begin to walk again, leaving him standing there, although I presumed he would follow eventually.

Turning back over my shoulder, I give him a look. "I just forgot, sorry, your question caught me off guard" I explain.

Thankfully, he starts to move again. "I get it, and I feel bad. But, you know a lot about me as well" he shrugs, trying to even the playing field.

"Do I?' I question.

He gives me a sarcastic glare, "The Great Gatsby is still the best book ever written"

I can't help but double over in laughter. "Ok, fair enough.  I know things about you I wish I didn't" I mock.

"You're hilarious" he teases.

"So" I quickly change the subject, trying to pull myself out of being sucked into his orbit again, "What's your angle here? Why did you show up a my Grandpa's house?"

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