Chapter 13

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More battles ensue between the Sclian army and my father. This time, Demetrius doesn't try to keep it from me. He lets me strategize along with him, giving insights into Father's strategies and tells. We even manage to win a few battles.

Even still, Demetrius plans to join the fray.

"You don't have to go, you know," I advise, leaning against the bed as he straps on his armor. I help him with a stubborn buckle, and he shoots me a cocky grin.

"If we ever want to win this war once and for all, I need to join my men."

I don't answer with words, but I'm sure my face says it all.

He sighs, settling his hands on my shoulders. "I know you don't like it, Vi. I don't want to leave either. If there was any other option I would take it. But my men need me."

"You're too loyal for your own good," I groan, dropping my forehead to rest on his chest with a scowl.

"I know, I know. But I made a vow, and I don't plan on breaking it."

"Are you sure you've thought of all the options? My father will double his efforts to win once he knows you're there." An idea catches hold in the back of my mind. "Let me come along. I know all of his strategies, better yet I know his men. I trained alongside them my whole life." I look up at him. "I can help you win."

"Absolutely not," Demetrius demands. "There is no way you're getting anywhere near a battlefield in your condition. Need I remind you what's at stake here?" He drops his hands to my bulging stomach.

I roll my eyes. "You're being dramatic. Helsante said I'm good for another few weeks."

"I don't want to take any chances," he insists. "This is our heir, our child."

"I can fight in my sleep, love. I'd be fine."


I sigh, dropping my hands onto his. He can't keep me here. If there's a way, I'll find it. I deserve to stand up to my father as well.

Demetrius kisses my forehead and finishes getting ready. Once he and the rest of the reinforcements are ready, we walk to the front gates. The Advocate greatly disapproved of the war with Aero, declaring it a waste of time and resources. Demetrius did it anyway.

The troops stop just before the gates, the shouts of the protesters audible through the bars. Demetrius pulls me into a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Promise you'll stay here. And if we lose, you'll put your life and the baby's above everything else."

I cup his face in my hands. "I promise. You had better do the same. If you die out there, I will never forgive you, Demetrius Elsher."

He chuckles, bumping his nose against mine. "Then I just won't die."

He seals his claim with a passionate kiss that feels a little — okay a lot — like goodbye. Forever.

When he pulls away, I drag in a tight breath.

"I love you."

His lips curl into a smile meant just for me. "I love you too, Vi. I'll be back before you know it."

He twirls his wrist, and a purple and white door appears. Stepping through, he motions for the soldiers to follow him. With a deep breath, I conceal myself with an invisibility enchantment and stride through behind.


We don't try to hide our presence. Marching through fields and forests to get to the outskirts of a small Aeryan town where Father has resources. I suggested the place for an attack because I knew it would catch him by surprise.

We reach a clearing in the small woods by Boistan. All is quiet, and Demetrius starts to give orders. A small movement catches my attention. An Aeryan soldier creeps up behind the trees. His fingers spark, and I thrust out my hand to throw an enchantment against it. And the battle begins.

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