"I am the forest, the earth, the world. I lead the life of plenty of the forest. I am the god of forests, and bountiful harvests. I am 'The Earthmother'."

Izumi just stared at The Earthmother, and nodded slowly. She was worried about what to say, and the being was quick to pick up on her awkwardness. As much as she was a being of unparalleled power and abilities, she was one to care for those she deemed to be worthy of care. As such, she would not be taking no for an answer to her care.

"What would be your name, young one?"

Izumi just stared, before her brain registered what the being had asked. Waving her hands around and stuttering, she tried to come up with a response, before slowing down, a sad wave crashing down on her. She didn't understand most of her circumstances, but the 4 year old did know her name, and what she did.

"I'm... Izumi Midoriya..."

The Earthmother could sense the dense sadness that nestled in Izumi's heart, and recognizing the child was now lost, she wanted to care for the small child. Her maternal instincts were kicking in full gear, and The Earthmother wasn't going to deny them one bit. Izumi was a child that needed care, and she would get it.

"It's okay Izumi. Just call me Mesilva. That is what others have called me anyway."

Nodding her head, Izumi watched as Mesilva made her way out of the bedroom, and off to somewhere. Izumi wanted to leave, but any slight movement caused her a large amount of pain. Yet, she endured as she thought that if she cried once, Mesilva would do the same to her as Hizashi did. She didn't want to lose someone again, so she kept quiet.

The smell of food flowed down the hall and into Izumi's nose as soon, Mesilva returned with a pot of stew, ready to eat. Growing a mahogany table out of the ground, Mesilva placed the pot down, and left again, returning with a pair of bowls and cutlery that she could use to eat.

Growing another chair out of the floor, Mesilva sat down and filled Izumi's bowl before hers. However, after seeing the terrible state Izumi's arms were in, Mesilva decided to spoon-feed Izumi, something that Izumi clearly disliked. However, after an attempt to eat by herself resulting in pain, a bit of crying, and a lot of worry.

Feeding Izumi, Mesilva smiled as the girl slowly healed and began to regain her energy. Mesilva could see her energy reserves filling up again, and was sure that in no time, she would be running around without a care in the world, and energetic beyond belief. Mesilva was more than happy to care for Izumi, but looking at the place Izumi would return to, she grew concerned for the woman who stopped there every day.

Finishing the stew, Izumi looked at Mesilva who looked concerned, content, and slightly worried at the same time, so Izumi wanted to know what was wrong. After all, Mesilva fed her, and took care of her, so she couldn't be bad.

"Mesilva... Is everything okay?"

Looking over to Izumi, Mesilva smiled before replying.

"Yes I'm okay. It just seems a woman is checking where you came from each day, so I worried she caused you to be hurt."

Izumi, hearing this, was worried, since after Mesilva described the woman's features, she knew it was her mother. However, she didn't want to be rude and leave Mesilva without saying anything, and especially after Mesilva had given her a place to sleep and food. Izumi decided she still had to go home though, so she tried.

"That's my mom... She's always been nice to me, and I need to go home... Is there anything I can do to stay in contact?"

Izumi stared up at Mesilva, who smiled. During the time Izumi had stayed in her place, she had learned of Izumi's quirk, and had learned all the intricacies of it. As such, she wandered over to where she kept a few berries that could turn into permanent dye.

Crushing up the dye, she emptied it into a large bowl before mixing together many different colors. The colors began to merge as Mesilva spoke hymns, and when it was done, the dye swirled in the bowl, slowly turning into a beautiful forest green, that matched Izumi's hair, and seemed to glow every so slightly, before dimming.

"May I paint your palm child?"

Tentatively, Izumi watched intently as Mesilva painted a symbol on her hand with the forest green dye. The dye itself quickly sank into the skin, and seemingly disappeared. The symbol itself was a central vertical line, splitting off into 5 on the top. Under the central line, four horizontal lines ran underneath it.

"This is my symbol. If you picture it in your mind, the symbol will then appear on your palm. When you use your gate, if you are touching this symbol, the gate will bring you to me. This symbol also glows in the dark."

Glittering eyes landed on the symbol as Izumi practiced making it appear and disappear, but soon enough, Mesilva saw that Inko had come back again, and sighed a bit sadly, not wanting to let go Izumi. She knew she had given Izumi a placebo method to control her quirk, but it was the best she could give to such a young mind. 

"It seems your mother is back again. You should go home."

Izumi, nodded quickly, getting out of the chair, and quickly dressing up in the clothes Mesilva had made her. Mesilva's clothes were made out of plants, but when she worked and wove with them, her power seeped into them, turning them into nearly works of myth. The dress itself would grow or shrink to fit Izumi, it would never get dirty, repair itself if it ever got damaged, provide Izumi with a gas mask if she almost breathed a dangerous chemical, and automatically defend Izumi should she get in danger.

Mesilva knew it was overkill, but she couldn't bear with the thought of Izumi, bush of all bushes, being hurt when she could've done something. As such, a few dozen security features later, the dress that Izumi now wore was made, and it could be called one of if not the best armor in the world at that point.

"Take care Izumi. I'll be watching and waiting."

Nodding to that, Izumi opened her gate, admiring it as it opened. It was a gate that had the edge surrounded with intertwined vines and long blades of grass while mushrooms grew out of it. It released the fragrance of a fresh forest after a rain, and Izumi could hear small animals run around and have fun.

Watching, Izumi step through the gate, and it close behind her, Mesilva caught sight of Inko seeing Izumi, wrapping her in a bear hug, and crying rivers at the thought of Izumi leaving once again. Smiling, Mesilva watched the gate fully close, before attuning her sense to the grassy dress Izumi had on. She'd keep tabs on Izumi's health, no matter how.

Izumi, stepping out of the gate, got hug-attacked by Inko, and with the reunion came tears, and Midoriya tears cried out a river. Nearly unintelligibly, Izumi told Inko about what had happened, and after another cry-fest, Izumi blaming herself for Hizashi's demise, Inko's reassurance it wasn't her fault, and what Izumi swore was the dress giving her a hug, Izumi eventually accepted Hizashi made his own demise, and with that result, Izumi calm down on the path home.

During the drive home, Inko listened to Izumi's story about the earthmother named Mesilva, the things they had done, and all about her. Inko didn't truly believe Izumi until she showed Inko the mark that Mesilva had drawn on her palm. Inko, seeing it, was a bit more open, but still wanted to meet Mesilva, in case she didn't wish just good on Izumi. 

Izumi, was more than happy to show her mom once they got home. Giving her permission to see and act with the gates, Izumi beamed as she opened up a gate for her mom, directly into Mesilva's domain. Mesilva could feel the gate opening, and began wandering towards it, gracefully and peacefully in order to welcome the returning guest, and her mother to her domain. 

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