Partners In Balance

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"Who are you, and what brings you here?"

Hearing those words leave the beings mouth, Izumi tenses up. She doesn't recognize where she is, and she was sure she ran through the portal. That could only mean that the being in front of her was powerful, and she wouldn't know who it was. For now, she decided to just answer truthfully, and hopefully the being will let her live. "I-I'm Izumi Midoriya..."

The being, staring down at her, opened up the light above them so Izumi could see him. He had a goat head,  a human body, a living snake sprouting from his tailbone, and wings sprouted from his back. His snake had emerald scales, the horns were white with black accents, and the wings were black fading into white. He looked muscular, but also fairly sized. "There. Does it help now that you can see? I hope you aren't too startled."

Slowly nodding to not let her fear get the best of her, the goat-headed man seemingly rolls his eyes in fondness before snapping his fingers. "Perhaps this'll be a bit easier." With that, a few dozen baby goats, all of whom having a snake tail and wings, walk into the room. Izumi freezes up again, scared the being will attack her, but before long, the room changes as well.

Instead of the black and white monochrome pillar-filled chamber, Izumi now sat in a field. It was full of greenery and the grass was soft like a cushion. The goats all began to prance through the fields, drawing Izumi's attention to the domain beyond where she sat. To the north, she could see mountains galore, humanoid figures mined endlessly regenerating clumps of iron off the mountain. To the south, a large spring sat, spewing water up that collected into tunnels that seemingly pushed the water back into the spring. To the east, an autumn forest showed itself as an unending cycle of trees shedding leaves dying, then resprouting. To the west, a lush forest sat where animals ran around, without a care in the world.

"Does this seem better for our talk Ms.Izumi?"

Staring back at the now standing goat man, a loincloth covered his southern region, but Izumi focused on his smiling face. It was covered in amusement, watching Izumi being fascinated by the world around her. Izumi looked around, worried about her future. She walked to talk to Mesilva, but she didn't want to upset the god.

"C-can I speak to Mesilva?" Listening, the goat man bleated in laughter as she finished, scaring her. Once his laughter died down, he smiled happily. "Don't worry girl. Call Mesilva. Hades too if you wish. They're fun to be around. But first, would you like some food?" Signaling with his hand, a goat brought over a balanced meal of fruits, veggies, meat, and bread. All of which Izumi was a very big fan of.

Hurriedly creating the gate, thanking the being who had yet to name himself, and rushing to eat, Mesilva was quick to stare at the new god, while Hades simply popped open a bag of popcorn to watch the scene unfold.

"So what are you doing? Are you going to try anything with my niece?" Expanding her portal to tower over the being, he bleated a bit before responding. "Try anything? Heavens no. Maybe one or two-" Getting cut off, Mesilva whipped her head to where Izumi sat, who had just let out a scream. Readying to tear apart the newest being, she stopped when she heard Izumi's laughter. "haha- stooop! That's ticklish!"

Watching Izumi, who had just finished her meal, get dogpiled by baby goats, all who were nudging her for pets, the being let out more bleated laughter. "As I was saying, hurt her? She's fun and I want to have some fun. Sitting in a monochrome temple all day is boring my mind out, and I want some fun."

Mesilva, now turning back to the being, sighed before crossing her arms. "Which being are you? I haven't seen your kind for a while." The being opened his mouth to play another joke, but one glare and her raising a grass fist behind her, he decided against it. Not worth it to anger a god of nature over a joke. "My names Baphomet! Her kind called me the god of balance or something, but I only cared for the fruit."

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