Chapter 7

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In Another Dimension

The Gerudo King was sitting on his throne as he was listening to his descendant as he was a bit miffed. The Master Sword, the Blade of Evil's Bane which was also the literal ban to his life more than the fucking hero and princess was no more. On one hand, that fucking blade was gone for good but on the one hand, he was fucking livid. When you have always been stabbed in the chest then sealed or impaled in the head then sealed by that fucking blade, you'd of course want to kill the fucking thing yourself but this was just a small skirmich before the full-on war. He would have ample opportunity to showcase his power in other ways.

He had learned the hard way that patience was part of the course as a ruler and as the Demon king who would rule this fucking world and another. While his descendant had a far more lecherous plan, he could see the merit, The Seven Shield Alliance had to hypothetically be the Descandant of the Seven Sages including the Royal Familly so it would be logically to be reborn by his descendant with BOTH the Triforce of Wisdom and Power which would be a huge boon. Sadly, his descendant was far too perverted for his liking. He knew he would betray him should the opportunity arise and he had sent Volt to Konoha but the woman and people escape to that dimension there. He luckily managed to open a portal but he needed someone to impose his will upon as it would be his avatar in that new world and fate had dealt him one.

The name of that puppet...Issei Hyoudou. The poor boy had almost been killed and he would use this to his advantage. he told the poor boy that his own power had left him for someone who took his dream of being a Harem King from him. This created Darkness in the boy's heart that he used to force his will and remind the boy that it was thanks to him that he was alive. That boy was now his vessel that he sent to that dimension. Ganondorf then looked at Volt as he spoke.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk, descendant. You have been nothing but a fucking DISAPPOINTMENT ever since I came back from the dead. You failed to capture these nine women and the reason was and your minions wanted to get laid. You having my blood in your veins makes me boil with anger and now listen to me well. I now own your fucking body. You are my 2nd vessel. If your minions betray me perverted cowards will not leave a single memory or heritage behind, regardless of the means they try to. Now get yourself into shape as I can't believe that my fucking Stalfos kicked your fucking shit in!'' Ganondorf said as he kicked the so-called leader of the Nation of Service or whatever he thought his shitty idea would even be named.

Volt then got out of his ancestor's throne room or the room that would have been his throne room if the old fuck hadn't woken up. He had his plan all laid out and this old fuck had to ruin along with the Dark Elf Queen Dark Knight. He killed the fucking Necro Dragon which had costed Klaus life and it exposed graves and while it wouldn't be that big of a deal, it caused a major problem. Graves had made a pact that he would be immortal as long as he had an heir and Klaus was getting fucking old and was infertile. The Necro Dragon's life was what kept Grave's immortality as long as he had an heir but to maintain Graves's immortality, he had to have an heir that he could offer as a Sacrifice to the Necro Dragon but that dark knight had killed the fucking thing!

That Dragon was also his way into the Dark Elves' territory unnoticed so he had lost that and this allowed them to escape. Graves now had 3 months to father and heir to regain his immortality or he would die and he would not lose a 300-year-old warrior with his experience for his plan. He would get revenge, that he swore on his blood. Eostia and that new world would be nations of service!

Somewhere Else: Naoto's POV

I was walking towards the ORC clubroom as I was warned of the church and as soon as I got there, I saw a blue-shorthaired woman with a green colored fringe in a skimpy nun outfit followed by a brown-haired girl with twin tails in the same outfit. The blue-haired one seemed to target poor Asia as she spoke up.

''Asia in the witch. So you literally become a Devil. Tell me, do you still believe in God?'' The blue-haired woman asked as Asia nodded and answered her.

''Yes, I can still feel his love. Even if they turned on me for following what the bible said...I still believe in God.'' Asia said as the blue-haired woman summoned a sword as she spoke before attacking her.

''Then let your soul be cleansed as you die not consumed by their sin'' The woman said as she tried to strike only for me to grab the blade and break it completely shocking her and her cohort as I spoke.

''Ya know, she did tell you that she followed the teachings of your bible which is..what was it..OH! ''Do to others what they'd do unto you'' I believe it means to treat others as you'd like to be treated. She saved a life even if she didn't know it was a Devil. She FOLLOWED the bible so you can't JUDGE HER. Besides don't Gods normally hate their servant talking in his stead? I snarked her after asking her as she seemed to struggle as she shouted at me.

''S-Shut your mouth, Devil. This doesn't concern you!'' She shouted before she used another sword which eared a gasp from her cohort who spoke.

''Xenovia..! He already broke Excalibur Destruction. You can't be serious about using Durandall.'' Her cohort as the now-identified Xenovia shut her up.

''Irina, this heretic must pay for doubting our lord..!'' Xenovia said to the now-identified Irina as I remembered a woman on a bench crying about her son Issei's death and how he changed after seeing someone called Irina go away. I blocked the blade again with my bare hands as shock and horror were evident again as even this Durandal was easy to snap into pieces. this gave me an opportunity to speak again and I decided to throw caution to the fucking wind as I decided that lost lambs weren't lost but simply fucking brainwashed at this point.

''Heretic...really..? Just because I disagree with your judgement which is stupid by the way. I'd rather be a heretic than a fucking puppet manipulated by a fucking cult. Your God is dead. Do you really think Devils would have been able to recruit humans with Sacred Gears if your God had finished his system? He didn't because he is fucking dead. Whoever is trying to be him is failing fucking spectacularly. The system was made for God, not them. Also, I heard from Rias over there that her brother was the Lucifer by the way, and that Akuja Beelzebub, his best friend helped create your Seraph's cards so shut it your hypocrite. You attacked first and we have more witnesses than you both so we can safely execute you both should we want and not cause a damn fucking incident so mind your tongue.'' I said as it broke their reality and sadly broke Asia's too. But these two had to be a fucking problem. I knew when I told Chloe that I'd get in trouble that it would be them starting it and I was fucking right!

Once things were calmed down, Irina spoke up as she asked a question.

''Excuse me you know someone named Issei Hyoudou? He was my childhood friend.'' Irina said as everyone became tense I sighed before I spoke up.

''There's no nice way to say it but...he's dead. It started when his Sacred Gear ran away from him as it deemed him a worthless pervert and chose me instead. He later died in a rating game against Riser who challenged Rias to force her into marrying him. Don't ask about him at school...people will tell you they are glad he is dead.'' I said as Irina broke down crying as I began to leave the clubroom but Xenovia stopped by asking a question.

''What are you?'' Xenovia as I answered plainly.

"I'm a human.'' I said as ORC smiled and Irina and her were left gobsmacked. Once in the hallway, my homeroom teacher began talking to me as she asked me a favor.

''Uzumaki-san, I'd like to ask you to give a tour to someone. She is waiting in our classroom so you can give her a tour of the school. As the teacher disappeared walking towards the faculty room I went to the classroom and what I saw was shocked.

''Hi...Naoto. You have some fucking nerve making me wait 3 fucking years after running away and betraying Konoha for our date"' The girl said as I could only say her name in pure disbelief.


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