Chapter 6

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Naoto's POV

I sat there as Her Highness Olga said these words. I was dumbstruck as the war had been stopped this easily. All the Princess Knights were there but Olga kept explaining.

''As I was saying, we need to talk. Celestine and the other Princesses came here to apologize. They also have some information that could prove useful.'' Olga said Celestine introduced herself before she explained her pieces of information.

''Hi, I'm Celestine, the leader of the Seven Shield Alliance. I heard from my trusted advisors that you saved us with Olga. I am deeply sorry for what I did. I had hired Volt to attack Olga but she counteroffered him which he refused. I also...had a vision of what he'd do to us but I chose to ignore it. I am deeply sorry. I believe that we are safe for a little while but Volt won't give up so easily.'' Celestine said as I sighed before answering her.

''Do you know how much your people suffered? Do you how much the dark Elves suffered? Her Highness had to transform some of her subjects into Orge which would have raped them if not for me having seen through Volt's lies. She had to do Human Transmutation which is forbidden even by her standards. I came from a continent overseas that was filled with war, lies, betrayal, and many more after I lost my little brother. My fucking twin that I was SUPPOSED to protect and I get dragged into this fucking mess. I WAS FORCED INTO A 600-YEAR-OLD WAR FOR A FUCKING RIPPED TEDDY BEAR! I saw people who like, were ostracized and judged in Her Majesty and Chloe. I had to kill the mistake from this FUCK UP called Graves and I was out and almost dead for 3 fucking months if it wasn't for Olga and Chloe second-guessing humans after seeing me help for only food and fucking shelter. You ignore a vision telling you how to escape and survive a fate worse is just tarded. Especially since your visions never fail meaning you had no reason to even doubt them in the first fucking place. I...gotta go and cool off. Sorry, but I can't stand her right now.'' I said as I left outside to chill as Celestine started to cry.

As I was trying to chill outside, Alicia came out and spoke to me.

''So you got that out of your system? I guess we were wrong about you and the Dark Elves. You really aren't that bad of a guy after all Dark Knight.'' Alicia said as I sighed before speaking.

''You know, it just sucks. I came to Eostia to start over, turn over a new leaf. I lost my younger brother who was fucking killed by his best friend just so that he could become more powerful. I then arrive and this fucking mess is going on. Let's not even count that motherfucker Volt and his goons and what they planned. I have been a fucking military man since I was 5 if you count the training phase so excuse me for throwing a shit fit at her.'' I said as Alicia nodded before rubbing my back and saying her piece.

''I won't say it will get better because it won't. I know that I would be just as angry and full of hate at myself if I had failed to save Prim as you failed with your brother. just know you got my back on this.'' Alicia said as she left but I spoke to her which make her turn her head.

''My name isn't Dark's Naoto.'' I said as Alicia smiled and spoke up before leaving to see if things had gotten better in the meeting.

''Naoto...that's a nice name.'' Alicia said as she left and Ddraig started to speak to me.

''Partner, if these Black Dogs are coming then you may need my help. I suggest that we synchronized with each other. The Balance Breaker or Scale Mail would give you flight and more. It would help against them. Plus even if you don't care about the White One...he WILL come for you so it would be for the best if you achieved it even faster.'' Ddraig said as I nodded and spoke.

''Ddraig, how much training would I need for it then?'' I asked the dragon who spoke up.

''Well, in your current state, you could achieve and maintain Balance Breaker for 30 minutes but it would be more beneficial if you could maintain it for far longer. If it became your base then it would be fine until we need it to evolve. That would give you time to improve your other skills. I'd say to just use it. Just channel more power than a regular boost and it should shroud you in its mail. Then just focus on staying longer and longer in that form.'' Ddraig said as I nodded. I then went to sleep but was stopped before I entered my room by Chloe who looked worried. She then asked me about my health.

''Are you okay? I heard you rant to her so I thought you got into a fight.'' Chloe asked as I shook my head and answered her.

''No...she came and I guess I ranted. I don't know why even though I already told you and her Majesty my life story. I guess my mind really needed to snap at Celestine and try to justify why I was still fighting so I stay motivated.'' I said as she nodded.

''I least you weren't in any danger. Celestine went to her room and cried so her second in command Claudia had to finish this but we now have an alliance with them. In any case, just be careful of the Church Executive going to school tomorrow. They hate Devils and we are the spitting image of a good ''Fuck You'' to their ideals by existing in another realm where God is worthless.'' Chloe said which I nodded and reassured her.

''Unless I see them trying to kill an innocent for their lord's propaganda...I won't cause trouble I swear.'' I said as Chloe sighed as she scolded me.

''Why do I get the feeling that you will make a mess?'' Chloe asked me as I answered her with a deadpanned expression.

''Cause my instincts are often if not always right?'' I said as she nodded before we all went to sleep. Today was hectic but not as much as it could have been. I was expecting full-on bloody cat fights everywhere since it was a 600-year-old war. But life was nice and we k

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