Chapter 5

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Mae's Perspective

I grab a few cans of beer and head back to my log, downing them all quickly as I wait for my ride home. I already know Jackson is going to love torturing me with the fact that he's picking me up from a date.

For the next thirty minutes, I sit quietly on the log, dreading every second as I watch Trevor having the time of his life. As much as I want to go over there and tell him that he's completely forgotten about me, I don't want to be that lame girlfriend that no one likes. Besides, he's probably too drunk to even care. Speaking of being drunk, I need another drink.

I get up to go grab another drink when suddenly-

"Where are you going?" someone says. I turn around to find exactly who I was expecting. Pure annoyance spreads across my face, causing a smirk to grow on Jackson's face. That smirk makes me want to strangle him to death.

"Nowhere. I was going nowhere."

"Were you going to go say goodbye to your boyfriend? I'm sure he'll be missing you," he teases.

"You know what? That's exactly what I was going to do. And by the way, he's going to miss me a lot," I say frustratedly before storming off to where Trevor and his friends are. I try my best to conceal my anger and paste a smile on my face as I approach Trevor.

"Hey babe, where have you been?" he asks as he spots me, pulling my body into his. I take a step back, not wanting to allow the comfort of his arms to change my mind.

"I've just been hanging out. I think I'm going to go though."

"Aww so soon?" he says. Although his voice sounds sincere and sad, the blank look on his face says otherwise.

"Ya I'm sorry. I'll see you soon though, okay?" I smile before inching away. I turn around and am about to leave when suddenly Trevor grabs my wrist and pulls me aside, away from the group of people he was just with.

"Why the hell are you really leaving?" he says, still not letting go of my hand.


"Is it another guy? Are you going home with another guy?" he demands, his grip on my wrist slowly tightening. I wince from the pain, trying to pull away but he doesn't let me.

"No Trevor there's no another guy. Now can you please let go," I murmur as the tears begin to fill my eyes.

"Then who is taking you home?" he asks. My eyes flick to Jackson who's waiting at the top of the beach. Trevor follows my eyes and notices him.

"You lying bitch. You are going home with another guy! What the fuck Maliah!"

He lets go of my hand, which is now bruised, and starts to make his way up the beach and towards Jackson. Jackson doesn't even notice Trevor until he gets there. I follow Trevor, knowing damn well we need to get out of here before Trevor does anything stupid.

"So you're the one trying to get with my girlfriend." Too late. Jackson turns to look at me, his eyes filled with confusion. I'm about to try to explain what's going on when all of a sudden Trevor swings. Luckily for Jackson, he notices just in time and is able to dodge his punch. Trevor continues to swing but he's too drunk to land any punches.

"Trevor fucking stop. I don't know why you're being like this. He's just giving me a ride home," I try to tell him as I grab his arm to stop him from trying to punch Jackson.

"I know you're fucking lying," he snaps back. He shoves me aside, hard, causing me to fall forward onto the ground. I try to stop myself as I hit the ground, but when my hands hits the ground, a searing pain shoots through it.

I close my eyes for a moment before getting up, trying to ignore the pain. When I open them and sit up, I find Trevor lying on the ground unconscious, blood dripping from his nose. I look up and see Jackson standing over him, his fist clenched and bloodied. He glances towards me and his hand relaxes, his face instantly shaping into a look of worry.

"Are you okay Maliah?" he asks as he rushes over to me. He grabs my hurt wrist to help me up, but the second he does, paint shoots through it. A cry of pain leaves my lips, and Jackson immediately lets go.

"Shit are you-"

"I'm fine. Let's just get the hell out of here," I murmur as I carefully push myself off the ground with my other hand and head towards the pathway out of here. Jackson follows me silently, saying nothing as we leave the beach, get in his car, and finally drive away.

The car ride home is silent. Neither of us says anything. I'm grateful for it, knowing damn well it would have been a lot miserable car ride if all of that hadn't gone down.

"Maliah, are you sure you're okay?" Jackson asks quietly, his voice sincere. His voice is never sincere. I don't respond, not sure of what I should say. In reality, no. No, I'm not okay.

"He's never acted like that," I whisper, trying my best to hold in my tears.


"Ya. He's never been so violent and jealous. Usually he's the sweetest guy," I murmur, the images of him trying to fight Jackson replaying in my head. I grab my hurt wrist, tracing the now dark purple bruises that cover it.

"He's obviously a dick. He hurt you Maliah," he says, his voice filled with pain. Why does feel like he actually cares about me? Usually he'd be delighted by my misery, but now... Now I don't know.

"He- He was just really drunk I think. He would never purposefully hurt me," I explain, trying to defend Trevor for some reason. Deep down inside me, I know that's a lie.

"That's fucking bullshit and you know it. He's just going to keep hurting you. Let tonight me a warning," he says exasperated. I'm about to try and tell him he's wrong when suddenly he stops the car. I turn to look out the window and find we're back at my house. I quickly get out of the car, not even bothering to say anything.

"Ice it."

I turn to find Jackson with his window rolled down, nodding to my wrist.


"Ice it. Make sure to ice your wrist," he says before pulling away and heading into his driveway. I rush into my house and lock the door behind me. The house is dark meaning my parents are asleep. I run up to my room and throw on some comfy pajamas. I decide to listen to his advice and wrap a bag of ice around my wrist.

Then I climb into bed and I cry. 

How are you guys feeling about Trevor? Is he an asshole or was he just drunk? This was a bit of a gloomier chapter, yet I hope you guys still enjoyed it! 

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