What it takes to Neutralize Monsters

Start from the beginning

Captain: What purpose did it serve to do this at all...

There was no reason to blow all of this apart. It wouldn't help at all.

Perhaps it was to get rid of some piled up rage of being treated as a specimen?

Captain: No, this is intelligence...

In the animal kingdom, there are many creatures known to set up traps to attract other species, including humans.

This, in a sense, was a trap.

Captain: (This was unnecessary work, but they did it anyways.)

To put it frankly, this specimen killed all those it could find besides one.

Perhaps it knew, instinctively, that this person would run off and bring more people to it. The destruction was a side effect Incase no one came, to attract the attention of the authorities.

The captain of the group immediately motioned his men to grab a hold of the M4A1'S, to get their night vision goggles ready to venture into the building.

Captain: (Shit, we may have been given orders not to kill this thing... But if worst comes to worst, we may have no choice.)

With a circle formation, they entered through the broken walls of the building and inside the heart of this shambles mess. Their feet stepped on the smooth floor of the building, tainted with blood.

The metallic smell and odor in the air was as visible as day, they held back from puking in this mess.

Captain: ...

A dead body was Infront of them, laying in a pool of its own blood lifelessly.

What's weird were the various bite marks located around his neck, indicating whatever attacked him tried to eat him.

Captain: God bless you, must've suffered a terrifying end...

The lights still appeared to be working, albeit it was still a bit dim. Some of the lights were blinking, so the night vision goggles were neccesary incase the power went out somehow.

The deeper they wandered into this laboratory, the darker it got.

They wandered through the laboratories destroyed doors and cracked stairs, holding tightly onto their weapons.

The deeper they went in, the worser an ominous feeling in their chest grew.

The deeper they went, the stronger the odor of blood stenched in the air.

They entered a room that was empty, filled with nothing but a bloody floor. Whenever they looked, all they saw was The odor of blood stenched the greatest over here, as if whatever specimen was rampaging...

The Chief held his hand up, telling his members to proceed slowly and cautiously.

Captain: (The deeper we go, the darker it becomes. It's as if...)

Something lurking in the shadows without their notice. Something hidden in plain sight, bearing it's fangs.

Yet, they couldn't see it. Even with Night Vision goggles, it was useless to locate this being.

Captain: (It was expecting us...)



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