What it takes to Neutralize Monsters

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Police Battalion
Night Time

Say, Boss. Is this really that big of a threat that 30 officers had to mobilized to neutralize it?

Apparently, that's what the only survivor of the incident said.

Only survivor?

"Sigh" Nearly 20 dead scientists with 7 other bodyguards, all armed with guns for self defence. Neither could stop the culprit. The survivor was apparently spared.

... Oh god...

I know, it sounds absurd. The only case of such criminal activities were nearly a year ago.

But who would try and attack an laboratory like this?

Apparently, the culprit is an escaped specimen that went berserk. We are to neutralize this specimen as quickly as possible, before we too fall prey to it.

But... Will we even-

I know what you're gonna say. "Will we even be able to defeat it?"

I didn't mean to offend you, sir...

It's alright, I too wonder if we will be enough. It's the whole reason we prepared M4A1's in the back.

I see... Will we make it out alive?

Don't say things like that, it's just a single lab specimen we are going to neutralize prepared.

I hope that's how it plays out...


The officers wore helmets, bullet proof vests and armored pants.

Infront of them, their captain wearing a cap and an officers uniform was utterly paralyzed.

Officer: Dear....God...

It was a strange sight to behold.

Some merely muttered to themselves in disbelief.

Officer2: What the hell is this!

Some of them thought We didn't sign up for this!

Officer3: ...

Some of them could only watch in horror.

This laboratory, located nowhere, was in absolute shambles. The metallic materials used to create it had been crushed, destroyed... And seemingly burnt.

Captain: What the hell is this.

Officer4: Captain, I don't think this is a good sign at all.

The cars that the researchers used to get her were destroyed, smoke rising from them as they had exploded not too long ago.

The walls that supported the building was destroyed aswell, but no footprints around the area suggested that the specimen didn't run away.

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