"What did you tell him?"

"I said no."

"That's good." Suzune idly cracked open a box of pocky sticks. "Now he can't identify where your thought process is headed, because he doesn't know what stage you're currently on."

"He said that the White Room student has begun acting on their own, without his input." Suzune could hear Ayanokoji writing something down over the phone line. "He also spoke about you."


"Yes. He mentioned that you were 'shiftier' than he had originally thought."

"Oh yeah?" She stuck a piece of pocky in her mouth. "Probably means that his master wants him on my tail."

"... I plan on convincing the White room student to take a stand against Tsukishiro, once I find out their identity. I already have an idea on who they are based on the information and evidence we've gathered."

"Cool. But why are you telling me? Wouldn't it be a 'safer' move to keep me in the dark?" Suzune asked genuinely, eyes drifting to the black call screen of her phone.

"..." Ayanokoji was quiet for a moment. "I trust you to keep your mouth shut about this ordeal. And if Tsukishiro comes asking, then... I think you'll be able to manoeuvre around him quite easily."

Suzune blinked. "You think that highly of me?"

"You've done nothing but assist me since our first-time meeting. I think it'd be odder if I didn't." There was the scribbling of a pen heard over the line. "Did something give you the impression that I thought lower of you?"

"... no, forget I said that. Anyway, what's your opinion on Amasawa? You know; magenta-hair, pigtails, the one who partnered with Sudo?"

"I know who she is." Ayanokoji said. "I think she's definitely smarter than she lets on. She takes in everything around her as if missing a detail would cost her. She's like me... and you, in a sense."

"I'm pretty sure I don't act like the embodiment of a sassy honeypot." Suzune added dryly.

"Key word being 'act' in that sentence."

"Key word being 'I didn't ask' in that sentence."

"But 'I didn't ask' wasn't even in that sentence?"

Suzune just shoved seven pocky sticks in her mouth at once.)


The next day was the whole ordeal of people picking sides. They either liked her, hated her, or were stick in-between of hearing their friends gossip about it.

Ayanokoji had it worse though; he only experienced the latter, which was pretty rough.

When the both of them walked into class that morning, several eyes immediately locked onto them, as if they were zoo animals. Suzune shrugged off the attention and plopped her bag on her desk.

"Do you not have a hint of shame?" She glanced to the side to find Keisei scowling at her, lips twisted into an unattractive snarl.

"Why would I be ashamed?"

"For cheating, or have you perhaps so conveniently forgotten?"

Suzune slowly blinked, chin resting on her crossed forearms that lay on the desk as she stared up at him. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Keisei. Just because I landed a higher score than you in Math doesn't mean you have to act like I'm the one in the wrong here."

CHANGED - Classroom of the EliteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora