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The beeping noise coming from her alarm clock was seriously starting to piss her off. She knows it's supposed to because getting angry is one of the faster ways to get your adrenaline flowing for the day.

But like, it's just so annoying.

She smashed her hand onto it to shut it up, seeing that the time was exactly 5:01am.

Workout time.

Suzune groaned. She then got off her ass to go be a productive person. She slipped into her workout gear before getting out her dumbbells, workout mat, and of course, the flashy air-pods.

Her past self would've killed to get her hands on a pair of these.

The wonders of reincarnation.

After around an hour of torture, she found herself panting on the floor. Not heavily, but enough to be craving oxygen. The workout had gotten easier since she started this specific routine about three weeks ago. Suzune decided on an efficient system where she would up the difficulty every two weeks to keep her body in shape. And she can't say that it hasn't worked so far.

She hopped into the shower and came out of it with prune fingers.


Having those are the worst. When you try to do your makeup with prune fingers, holy shit, the thought itself makes her skin crawl.

Enough complaining, though.

Suzune combed her hair, clicked her earrings in, buttoned up her blazer and slid into her white skirt. But not before gliding on her classic black socks. Those really pulled her look together.

The other Horikita Suzune had some style, she'll admit.

She slung her bag over her shoulder and stepped out her room. After locking the door behind her, she came face to face with a familiar bubbly girl.

Too bad her want for Suzune's head doesn't match the theme all that well.

"Good morning, Horikita-san!" Kushida waved with a closed-eyed smile. "I was hoping we could walk to school together. What do you think?"

"Morning to you too. And I don't mind." Taking that as a 'yes,' Kushida latched onto her arm and actually dragged her to the elevator.

The elevator dinged and the two walked in (more like one walked in while the other suffered from red handprints on her forearm.

So much for being friendly.


It stopped on the third floor, opening to reveal Ayanokoji mid-yawn without having a hand over his mouth.

Manners are still a necessity even when you're a manipulator.

Actually, having manners as a manipulator would make your job to manipulate ten times easier.

Kushida hummed and waved at the new member. Suzune gestured towards the elevator, seeing as the awkward teen was just standing there. Ayanokoji got in and the transport system continued downwards.

"Morning, Ayanokoji-kun." Kushida turned her attention away from her.

Thank the lords.

If Kushida starts following her around like an obsessive stalker, then she would drop out immediately. Well, maybe not drop out, but you get the point.

It'd be weird.

And strange.

And just overall not nice.

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