"So..." Suzune peered at Nanase again, who seemed to be smiling a little too happily in her humble opinion. "When's the wedding, Horikita-san? Kiryuuin-san?"

"There is no wedding." "April 10th, 2018."

Suzune turned to look at the white-haired teen whistling innocently while deliberately not making eye contact with her. Suzune gave her gave a deadpan stare.

"What? I've gotta have time to prepare for my darling~." Kiryuuin sung.

Suzune felt her eye twitch at that remark. She huffed out air and began walking faster. "You're ridiculous."

Kiryuuin immediately wrapped her arm back around Suzune's shoulders. She didn't shrug it off. "I'm glad you think so."

A small smile appeared. "I think I'm funnier, though."

Kiryuuin's smirk etched into something smaller, more genuine. Something she saved just for someone she liked. "I think that too."

(It feels all too familiar.)


("Do you know who Tsubaki Sakurako is?" Ayanokoji asked her.

"Not personally, but I know she has a rating of C. Did she ask to partner up with you?"

"Yes. She claimed that because we had similar ratings, it would be a good idea to work together since neither would be dragging the other down." There was a moment of silence.

"But she had an ulterior motive that you couldn't identify?"

"Yes. Do you have any ideas?"

"Hm," Suzune tapped her pen against her desk, flipping between Sato's worksheets and her personal ones. "Maybe she wants that 20 million bounty on your head."

"... that could be it." Ayanokoji's line went quiet. "She kind of acted like you, in a way."

"What do you mean?"

"She had a lollipop in her mouth, and she played with her nails when our conversation wasn't going the way she wanted it to."

"No need to out yourself with how much you stare at me." There was no response.

Before things could get anymore awkward, Suzune then said, "Sounds like a decent girl. Do you think she's related to the White Room?"

"No." Ayanokoji firmly responded. "I don't think she has the awareness one would need to be... involved, with the facility. The possibility of Nanase being connected to the White Room is increasing."

"That's... that's not really good to hear, actually." Suzune replied, considering his words.

Ayanokoji didn't talk after that, but the phone line still buzzed in the background as both listened to the other's silence on either side.)


"I'm telling ya', Suzune, if that Hosen guy tries anything, I'll punt his head in!" Sudo's slammed his fist into his open palm, a firm thud sound echoing after it. "Just say the word and that guy's as good as gone!"

"I'm sure it won't come to that." Suzune calmed him down. "His attitude isn't all that bad once you get to know him."

(After calling the guy four times, he finally answered on the fifth one, and he sounded as pissed as normal. So, obviously the best thing she could do right then was to order him to show up at a gym (one she already booked out with a few emails sent to Chabashira) at 6pm without any explanation.

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