"are you busy now?"

"A little bit, I need to buy some things and then find a friend"I replied with a smile while rubbing the back of my neck.

"I'll accompany you there"

"No need, I'm sure you have something more important to do."

"I have nothing to do for now but what about you? what are you going to buy?"

"Some sweets and some dorayaki, I wanted to try something different you know"I replied with a half lie half truth.

'if i say it's for mickey I could put myself in danger....'

"I'll accompany you then, it's not something too complicated right?"

"it's certainly not complicated, I'll do the shopping and drop it off at my house, it shouldn't take that long"I answer while looking at kisaki with a softly smile.

'damn,all I wanted was to get away from you....'

"So kisaki... tell me do you like sweets? I can give you some if you want! I love sweets and eat anything sweet people give me hahahaha"I said with a small laugh as I finished the sentence.

"I'm not into sweets but I eat one or the other sometimes but you seem to always eat something sweet"He replied with a small smile as we walked to a store.

"like i said before i really like sweets so i'm always looking for something i can eat... chocolate is my favorite! anything made of chocolate I'll eat!"I said as I walked around the store looking at all The sweet's and taking some.

"in that case I suggest you get some crepes, have you eaten?"

"no, I'm new around here so there's a lot I haven't tried yet"I said as I grabbed some candy.

"I'll take you to eat one if you want"He said as we walked towards the cashier to pay.

"it would be cool... I'll be waiting!"

'i ain't gonna wait for shi....is there any way you can just leave the fuck alone bitch?!'

after buying the sweets Kisaki accompanied me to the door of my house I tried to send him away but nothing worked... fate really hates me.
With no choice we ended up going to my house the path was not as quiet as the last time I met him, every now and then he would say something or ask a question.
The questions were random, sometimes about my day life, how long I lived here,He even asked what I usually do while I'm at home,It was different questions and they didn't seem to be his doing but honestly I didn't care much about it the only thing I wanted was for him to go and leave me alone I still needed to go to the warehouse to find Mickey...

"We're here! this is my house, it's very simple but it's comfortable"I said while taking the key from my clothes pocket.

Kisaki didn't answer for the first time he was just silent looking around as I opened the door, then I walked in Going towards the kitchen to leave my groceries there.

"Don't mind the mess... I didn't expect to have Visitors so I haven't had time to clean up yet"I said as I watched him inspect my house...he was very quiet and that made me a little anxious.

"It's neat, in fact it doesn't even look messy."He said as he walked towards the kitchen where I was putting away the groceries.

"Glad you think so I just did the dishes and tidied up my room"I replied while finishing putting away the groceries.

""You live alone?"

"Oh yes, I live alone"I said as I left the kitchen.

"What happened to your parents?"

his deadly wish (Tokyo revengers x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now