Avengers: part 3

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[At night, a slum in India it attacked by a sickness. A little girl runs into the middle of a makeshift hospital in someone's home, pushing through the crowd frantically. She runs up the steps inside to greet the only doctor, Bruce Banner. They begin speaking in Hindu.]

ATTENDING WOMAN: What are you doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here.

LITTLE GIRL: I have to see the doctor. It's my father.

BRUCE: Calm down. What's wrong?

LITTLE GIRL: My father... [she looks to the other sick people, laying down and moaning in pain.]

"Help her" snapped Molly. Bruce just looked at Natasha "I paid her" she said shrugging.

BRUCE: Is he like them?

[The little girl holds out money, crumpled and looking desperate.]

LITTLE GIRL: [In English] Please.

[Banner and the little girl run quickly to the edge of town. She leads him quickly through narrow passageways, and is proving too fast to keep up with. Banner spots a nice car, and looks around, worried. He runs into the girls house, when she leaves through a window, untraceable.]

BRUCE: Should have gotten paid up front, Banner.

NATASHA: [Entering the room behind him, making Banner turn around.] You know, for a man who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a **** of a place to settle.

BRUCE: Avoiding stress isn't the secret.

NATASHA: Then, what is it? Yoga?

Clint snorts, his family does love sarcasm, Katy his twenty four year old sister says it's how she prays every night, well used too on her 21st birthday she got drunk and things happened and next thing she knows she's pregnant with her son Jake. Clint's mind began to wander to the day she told the family she was pregnant to her sons birth, Natasha noticed and snapped him out of it.

BANNER: You brought me to the edge of the city, smart. I uh... assume the whole place is surrounded?

NATASHA: Just you and me.

BRUCE: And your actress buddy, is she a spy too? Do they start that young?

NATASHA: I did. Younger even

Natasha looked down at that, causing Clint wrap an arm around her shoulder again, Natasha relaxed at his touch. Yelena looks down when Natasha says that because she's referring to the Red Room.

BRUCE: Who are you?

NATASHA: Natasha Romanoff.

'Barton" Clint whispers close to Natasha's ear, causing the woman in question to shiver at how close his breath is, she manages to hide it but not before Clint sees.

BRUCE: Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Because that's not gonna work out for everyone.

NATASHA: No. No. Of course not. I'm here on behalf of SHIELD.

BRUCE: SHIELD. How did they find me?

NATASHA: We never lost you, doctor. We've kept our distance, even helped keep some other interested parties off your scent.


NATASHA: Nick Fury seems to trust you. But now I need you to come in.

BRUCE: What if I said no?

NATASHA: I'll persuade you.

BRUCE: And what if the... other guy says no?

NATASHA: You've been more than a year without an incident. I don't think you wanna break that streak.

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