"Mr. Weasley, unfortunately, I am unable to give you any details," McGonagall began, her voice clipped.

"Lord Weasley," Bill cut in his voice, growing a hard edge after being dismissed so flippantly. "So whatever right you believe you have is null and void when it comes to the Weasley children because while my parents are still alive, I am Lord of this family, so I get guardianship over everyone with the Weasley name." While Bill recognized he was repeating what Lord Flint had told him during their first meeting, it did not matter. Bill stood taller as he stared the older woman directly in the eyes.

Professor McGonagall was Bill's own head of house when he was in Gryffindor. She was the one who gave him his head boy badge. However, he was no longer in school. Bill was a grown man. A Lord of a house, he was going to gain respect.

"Unfortunately," Professor Snape drawled as he looked over at McGonagall and then back to Lord Flint, "We do not know where they are." The dark hair professor stayed silent as the commotion around him got louder.

"Are. You. Serious?" Bill asked as his eyes turned straight to McGonagall. "Who is trying to find out where my sisters are?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore left instructions," McGonagall began trying to express that everything was handled, only to be interrupted again by Lord Flint.

"From what I hear, Dumbledore is no longer the headmaster, the Board of Governors voted against him. You have been put in charge until it is said otherwise, but you're telling me you neglected to find your students because of instructions left by an overthrow Headmaster?" Lord Flint asked calmly, an eyebrow raised as he stared at the flustered McGonagall. "I would like to see my son. Now."

Bill stood there, his mind racing, 'where were his sisters?' 'Why was his family not notified? Would his parents have even come?" The idea that both his mother and father would have sat at the burrow and allowed Ginny and Percilla to suffer because they believed in Dumbledore sickened Bill.

"He should be in the Common Room," Professor Snape stated before leading the way. Bill needed to figure out what he was supposed to do. He felt rooted to the spot as he stared at his previous head of the house. He had thought that Minerva McGonagall was the epidemy of what a head of the house should be. She was strict, but she cared about her students. However, that wasn't the case, as she did not even care to know where his sisters were.

"If my sisters are not found safe," Bill began, his voice coming out far away, "I will personally sue this school for all it is worth and take your jobs."


Percilla felt like her mouth was on fire as stomach acid rose up into her mouth. She was breathing. Her body felt sluggish when she rolled over her head, laying on the stone floor as she began coughing up bile. The fact that she was alive was the only thing she could think about. When Tom left her after their chess game, the room also left. She stood in darkness as anxiety began to eat away at her when she could not see her hand in front of her face.

Percilla felt like she was going mad. Being stuck in her own head with nothing around her began eating away at her resistance. However, the gasps' air coming into her lungs was sweet relief. Percilla could hear things around her, but she was not paying attention. Her body was sore like she had run the entirety of the world and back. Her head was pounding as sweat began to bead on her neck and face. It wasn't until she began to taste salt that she realized it was her own tears.

Curling in on herself, she wrapped her arms around her stomach as she cried and coughed up liquid. She had been stuck in a Horcrux, her sister had sold her to pay off her debts, and she was willing to make a vow to the Dark Lord.

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