Chapter 6: Polyjuice

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Marcus raised his eyes from his book when he heard the common room door close. Malfoy and his two friends, Heirs Crabbe and Goyle, came in a huff. Generally, in the second year coming into the common room at the last minute was unusual. However, the more Marcus watched, the more he noticed how Goyle kept looking around like he had not seen the common room before. Marcus raised an eyebrow as he watched the three second-years talk. Marcus was too far to hear what they were saying, but he could tell that Malfoy was talking excitedly about something. In a flash, however, it seemed like he upset Crabbe, who jumped up but was caught by his friend.

Marcus raised from his chair, about to de-escalate the situation but froze as Crabbe's hair began to change colors. The two whispered before darting out of the standard room as Malfoy yelled for them. Marcus took off after them, he had a knowing feeling of what was going on, and it pissed him off. Once close enough to the two, his hand quickly jerked out and grabbed the changing Goyle by the back. Wrapping a hand over his mouth, he pulled the second year down a joining hall holding the thrashing second year. Once he could no longer hear the running feat of the other impersonator, he let the Goyle go and turned him around to reveal Harry.

"You are in so much trouble, Potter," Marcus stated as he crossed his arms and stared down at the boy. "Come with me."

Marcus could tell Potter was scared but didn't try to comfort him. It pissed him off that Percilla tried her hardest to keep this boy out of danger, and he just ran headfirst into it. Marcus knew Percilla was finishing duties around this time and walked towards the Third floor to head her off.

Just like clockwork, the peak of red braids came around the corner. Marcus stood there, his arms crossed, waiting beside an empty classroom.

Percilla looked confused as she made her way toward the pair. Marcus was dressed in sleep attire, while Harry looked guilty in what seemed to be Slytherin uniforms. What were they doing out of bed at this time of night?

"Marcus," Percilla's breathy tone broke through once she made it to the end of the hall. Not saying a word, Marcus nodded towards the empty classroom letting Percilla go first before giving Harry a pointed look and having him go in.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Percilla asked, first looking down at Harry. He knew better than to wander the halls after everything happening in the school. The school board was on Dumbledore about closing the school for proper evaluation after last year's Troll incident.

"I.' Harry began before Marcus cut him off.

"I found him, and what I can only assume is your brother polyjuiced as Heir Crabbe and Goyle."

The gasp that left Percilla's mouth made Harry feel even more guilty as she stared at him with hurt in her eyes.

"Oh Merlin, Harry, no," Percilla said, the look of complete dismay crossing her face as she tried to wrap her head around what was being told. "Why would you do such as thing?"

"We wanted to find out who the Heir of Slytherin was, and Hermonie suggested that we could do this," Harry was trying but failing to explain their situation. "Ron swears it has to be Draco that is the heir. He's the one doing this to muggle-borns."

"He's not the one petrifying people Harry," Percilla's voice was stern as she crossed her arms. Out of all the irresponsible things he could have done, he chose to get involved with this mess.

"But he,"

"He's not," Marcus added, giving Harry a stern look, "while going as far back as Camelot, the Malfoy line are not direct descendants of Slytherin."

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