Hide And Zeeke.

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"I need to use the confessional guys!" Zeeke said,informing his teammates.

"Whatever,home school. You're not helping anyway." Duncan spat.

Zeeke hung his head and made his way through the night to the small restroom. It was silent other than the soft sound of his own footsteps and an owl hooting,that was until there was a crunch behind him just as he was about to open the door. He turned slowly and behind stood a tall,unrecognisable figure. "C-chris? This isn't funny Chris,eh! Quit it!" He gave a scoff and went to enter,when he was grabbed his arm and yanked him back. The person pinned him against the wall and pulled out a knife. Zeeke tried to scream,but it was too late. The killer cut his head off,and it landed with a thud. Blood trickled down his neck as his other limbs were cut and thrown to the floor beside his decapitated head. His body parts were hidden all round the island,including one under geoff's bed.

Do you know how selfish you are Chris? Leaving the poor kids on the island. You know there's enough room on that boat. You're just saving yourself. Karma is a bitch and you can never escape it. The future of some of these kids have been decided by you now,you've chose their fate. Death. You deserve nothing but pain Chris McLean. There's no redeeming yourself. Imagine how his parents will feel after finding out? What if their poor souls are never found? It's all your fault. Since you're the reason for his death,why don't you stay and play a round of hide and seek with Zeeke? He loved that game,yknow. Play a round with him. You better find a good spot... He's coming for you,and he's incredibly good at this game. You better hide while you can.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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