Abandoning the Job Now Are We

Começar do início

Five minutes later, I'm sitting at the front passenger seat while taking deep breaths. I didn't really want to come because I'm pretty sure Xavier would be here. And I'm pretty sure he'd run into me when I'm drunk.

Yeah, I'm going all the way.

When I was ready, we walked -more like cat walked- with arms linked together and heading straight to the bar. Nothing wrong in a boost of confidence.

"How's it so far?!" Vanessa half shouted because of the really loud music booming. I love loud music, and it helped that I knew most of the songs. My feet and fingers were already vibing to the songs, and I was itching to go let loose and let it all go.

I should go to parties more.

"Perfect!" I said, making my fingers make the perfection sign, with my thumb and index finger pressed together and my other fingers up in the air.

"I knew you'd like it!"

"Heheh me too!"

Lies. I was regretting the fact I accepted once I did. Till now, that is.

"Ready to go dance?!"

I didn't reply. Instead, I chugged down the remaining of my drink and pulling her towards the dance floor. We danced for what I think is two whole hours, and I was tired. Tired is an understatement. I was also tired of the guys trying to approach me. It wasn't until I was back in the bar that I realized Vanessa was gone.

Perfect, I'm dealing with my light head on my own.

I almost tripped and fell as I was trying to jump back into the bar seat, causing the bartender to grin at me as I smiled sheepishly. Surprisingly, he was young and not old and... somewhat grumpy. He had grey hair, which -to me at least- made him look more charming.

Not old.

He had a kind of chocolate skin color, but I wasn't really sure because of the dark mood of the whole place. He had pearly white teeth and a charming smile. And perfect grey eyes.

"Had one too many?"

Call me stupid, but his deep voice almost made me melt. I'm almost melting because of a bartender.

A hot bartender.

Ok...maybe I have drank too much.

"You've forgotten you served me all those drinks." He chuckled.

"Oh really? How sure are you?" He said, leaning over the table and closer to me.

"Very. Who else would have grey eyes and hairs like yours?"

"Are you calling me unique?"

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Want more drinks?"


I watched as he made my drink for me, mixing all the things I specifically asked him to, all the time giving me looks that made me feel warm all over.

The feeling sounds familiar, but I can't quite pin down where it's from.

"Can I ask what a guy like you is serving drinks instead of having fun with everyone else?"

"Sometimes it's too much, you know? And I just think it's fun mixing all these drinks."

"Looks fun."

He smirked, about to say something as he leaned in, but was interrupted when another guy placed his hands on my shoulder. The bartender pulled back with a confused expression.

Totally Not ClicheOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora