Emotions? How About No?

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Y/n, Taro, and Osano stopped to look at the club posters

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Y/n, Taro, and Osano stopped to look at the club posters. Well, Taro did and the other two followed.

Most of the people on the posters were people Y/n didn't recognize, though some looked vaguely familiar. The only posters to not have people on the paper was the Gaming club posters. And, while the club posters were taped along the wall, the gaming poster was taped under all them, in writing with a sky blue marker.

It was pitiful.

Osano scoffed as he caught sight of it. "Seriously? Video games? Who still plays video games after middle school? Grow up already."

Taro didn't pay his childhood friend any mind and glanced at Y/n. "You seem like you would be a good fit for the Martial Arts club." He gestured to the poster right in front of him.

The e/c eyed female stared at it. The male on the colored paper looked familiar. He almost looked like Taro if he had that headband on, messing up his hair. Besides that, the trio was pretty sure this boy was on their class. The three mainly stuck to each other, and rarely talk to anyone else.

"Are you interested in the Martial arts club?" A voice chimed in.

The trio looked to the left and saw the male who was on the poster right by them. He was staring at them with curiosity and excitement.

"Umm..." Taro looked around. "We were just looking at the posters, we haven't really decided on joining any."

The boy's smiled dropped slightly, and he looked a little discouraged. "I see. Well, it's always open, even if you decide to not join, we offer free lessons to help with self defense."

Before he turned away, Y/n decided to speak up. "What do you exactly do in the club?"

The male's black eyes seemed to sparkle, as his smile came back full force. "We study hand-to-hand combat and practice self-defense techniques! If you join our club, I guarantee that you'll be able to defend yourself from anyone that might try to hurt you! If you think you've got what it takes, you're welcome to spar with any of our members at any time, even if you're not in the club!"

It sounded like he spoke like this a lot, explaining the same thing over and over again. Rehearsed even. Behind her, Osano scoffed again, but this time quieter, so the boy wouldn't here.

It wasn't quiet enough though. The club leader's eyes glanced over to the orange haired boy but quickly switched away, back to Y/n's. He seemed more interested in Y/n than the other two males, probably due to the fact she appeared "interested" in the club.

Taro, who could sense the tense atmosphere that slowly starting to seep in the small bubble of the four, wanted to get rid of it. "Sorry, but what's your name?"

"Budo Masuta."

Taro nodded, introducing himself as well, with Y/n following after. A beat of silence cause the three to look at Osano, waiting for him to introduce himself.


"Introduce yourself." Y/n told him.

He sighed. "Osano Najimi." Grumbling, he grabbed Y/n's arm and attempted to pull her away, but she stopped him. She looked back to Budo. "You're in our class aren't you?"

Budo nodded. "Yes. I noticed you three usually stick together. I hope you know I'm not trying to intrude—"

Osano cut him off abruptly. "Oh that's great. Bye!" This time he was able to pull Y/n away, because she was caught off guard.

It had been a week since Osano had brushed Budo away, and ever since he seemed...off.

While Y/n was far from the best when it came to empathy, but she was extremely perceptive. One thing she had picked up without her mother ever teaching her was how to read people and their body language. That's how she knew if kids were happy, sad, angry, and all kinds of other emotions Y/n herself couldn't feel.

When Osano was upset he would tense. He would fiddle with the orange polka dot scrunchie that he began keeping on his wrist instead of his hair. His eyes tended to move everywhere and not stay in one place. Often times Osano had a habit of grabbing Y/n's wrist at random times, and when he was nervous or upset, he would grip it tighter.

"What's wrong?" Y/n looked at the boy who was looking around.

Osano's head whipped around to look at the girl so quickly he probably hurt his neck. Y/n wasn't sure if he hadn't been expecting her to speak or he just forgot that she was sitting next to him altogether.

"What do you mean?"

"You're upset."

Osano furrowed his brows. "How do you know that?"

Y/n began listing off all the reasons she knew he was upset. Osano listened with an open mouth as she went indepth to all her reasons. No one has ever picked up on such small things before. Neither his mom nor Taro.

When she was finished she watched him expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Osano appeared a little more nervous that before. He looked around once more before leaning in. "I don't really know if we should talk about it here. Besides, it's almost time for class...maybe during lunch? Up hear near the vent?"

Y/n nodded.

Osano stood up and extended a hand towards the black haired girl. "Come on."

Without another word the two silently walked towards their classroom. For this moment, even if it was a few minutes, was possibly the most calming and relaxed that Osano has been in the past week.

Just a few more hours.

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