100 Times a Theraist Was Needed

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When I think back to my earliest memories

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When I think back to my earliest memories. I can remember hospitals, doctors, examinations. I wasn't normal. I was...broken.

The doctors were trying to fix me. My father had tried to explain what was wrong with me. He tried to explain what made me different from other kids, from other people.

I didn't understand. I heard the doctors admit that they couldn't fix me. They said I would never be a normal person, or live a normal life.

As I grew older, I was able to understand what was wrong with me. I saw other children become happy, sad, angry. But, I never felt these things.

I only felt empty, hollow, incomplete.

My father desperately wanted to help me.

But my mother, she was nothing like my father. She wasn't worried about me at all. She said that, she was exactly like me, when she was a child. She told me that, one day, I would meet someone special. She told me that I would meet someone who would make me feel complete.

My father did not want to listen to my mother's words. He wanted a normal child more than anything in the world. He tried everything to make me happy. But, nothing worked.

I never felt happy, but I did feel, pity. I felt pity for this sad man. I did not want my father to worry about me anymore. And so, I began to act like the other children. I pretended to be normal. My father was happy, we finally became a normal family.

But, I think he knew, deep down in his heart, that I was only pretending. It didn't stop him from loving me, as a father should love a daughter.

At school, the other children mistreated me. They bullied me because I was strange to them. It was inconvenient.

I realized that if I wanted to be treated properly, I would have to act like the other children.

I started pretending to be normal, and the bullying stopped. I learned that everything was easier, if I forced myself to act like a normal person.

Eventually, I was pretending to be normal almost every hour of every day. I pretended to be friends with people, I pretended to have hobbies, I pretended to care when tragedy struck. But it was all fake.

I felt nothing.

The only thing I felt, was emptiness.

As I grew older, I became resentful of my condition. I wanted to experience life like other people. I wanted to feel joy, I wanted to feel sorrow. I tried doing anything that might cause me to feel something. Guilt, shame, regret.

I wanted to feel something, anything.

But, nothing worked.

No matter what I did, no matter how extreme I could not feel anything.

My mother's advice was always the same:

"One day, you will meet someone special."

"One day, someone will make you feel complete."

I thought about these words, all the time. It was the only thing for me to look forward to, the only reason for me to live. Meeting the person who would save me, fix me, complete me.

I hoped the day would come soon enough. However, my little sister's would come sooner than mine.

Osano was a pouter. He was upset. He was upset this random girl was sitting with him and his childhood friend. He didn't know anything about her, besides the obvious things of course.

Something that threw him off was the fact she didn't seem to show any emotion. She didn't smile, or laugh if Taro said something funny. Her replies were monotone and short. So neither of the boys learned much about her, but Taro wasn't discouraged. For an unknown reason, he was determined to get her to be their friend.

Osano couldn't care less. Or so he thought.

It had taken around a month for Osano to stop rolling his eyes and glaring at Y/n Aishi. Slowly, but surely, the heat behind the glares had died down till they were just slightly confused staring and the rolling eyes had been reduced to glancing away without menace.

The first day, when Y/n had gone home, she was immediately bombarded by her mother, practically demanding to know if she had found her Darling. To say she was disappointed when her daughter said no was an understatement. Ryoba had spent that night in the kitchen, cooking dinner and silently muttering to herself.

Jokichi, Y/n's husband, on the other hand, seemed happy that his daughter hadn't found anyone special, even if he did his best to tone it down. However, that happiness grew to excitement that the females hadn't seen when Y/n said she believes she made friends.

Sitting her down, Jokichi asked as many questions as he could, slightly upset when he realized Y/n only knew their names and what they looked like. But he didn't entirely blame her. She was never good when it came to socializing with people who had emotions, and so she wasn't sure why two one because Osano is a drama queen was being so nice to her, even when they noticed how she acted.

He encouraged Y/n to let them in and actually befriend them. Surprisingly, Ryoba agreed with her husband, but she figured they would only be good for an alibi, or if Y/n played her manipulation cards right, then they could unintentionally do her bidding when she finds the person she'll be with forever.

Back to Osano and Taro. They didn't seem to mind that the e/c teen didn't exactly show emotion, and that she wasn't a big talker. Taro was definitely okay with the no talking, since he could either sit in silence and read his book or talk about whatever book he enjoyed.

Osano was slightly off put with the fact that he never got a reaction from his friend. He tried not to let it bother him, but he found it almost unerving at times. If he insulted her, she would blink at him, and stare until his face became red and he looked away out of embarrassment. If he pushed her, again he would gain the exact same reaction, staring until he turned red. She never reacted to any of his jabs, or any of his jokes. He wasn't sure how to be friends with someone like this.

But slowly, as the weeks went on, he learnt how to actually stay patient with her. He found himself walking her home, or bringing her lunch, saying he had leftovers. He found himself explaining simple things, like a joke or a small problem.

He gave her all kinds of food and drinks, trying to determine what she gave the most reaction to. He showed her pictures of cats, dogs, hamsters, birds, and all kinds if household pets, wanting to know what animal she liked the best.

He found out she preferred (soda flavor) over (different flavor), she would choose (favorite snack) if given the option, and while she did think dogs were okay, she was more drawn to cats, and complimented Osano's cat, Sayuri.

Osano wasn't exactly sure why he was doing all these nice things for a girl he once hated just because of a seat, but for some strange reason, he found himself not hating it either. It felt kind of nice to give attention to someone who clearly needed it.

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