Part 1

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So it was my first day at college. "Wake up. How long will you sleep?" mother shouted, "I have been calling u for almost an hour now. You'll never change." I woke up rubbing my eyes and got ready for my first day at college. I was excited as a new beginning was going to start in my life.
My bestie(erica) came to my house as we decided go to college together. I ate my breakfast and started for college. I was a little bit nervous too thinking if I could make any new friend as I was a bit introvert type.
Whatever, me and erica reached college. At our off period, i got out of my class and a saw a boy coming towards me. He looked unbelievably charming. Calling him my fantasy would be an understatement.

He came to me and asked me with a smile where classroom 211 was. I was very nervous at that time and my heart was beating fast.

"On the 3rd floor of building-3", I replied.

He thanked me with a soft smile on his face. My heart fluttered.

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