2. Freedom is a Second Chance

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There was a bang and click as the doors opened. "All rise for our blessed Guardian of Aurora. Isla Trivia!"

Isla walked into the room, and the entire council stood then bowed at her as Edward pulled Isla's chair out. Warmth spread through Isla's chest as she saw everyone's familiar faces, and it surprised her that she missed even some of the council members.

She took a seat, nodding her head for the council members to have a seat. "Thank you for taking some of your time and attending this meeting. As you know, the two kingdoms-Veritas and Amun, are at war. And I believe we must put up a shield over our kingdom." she said.

"Your Grace, you understand what will happen once the shield is lifted?" a man asked. His steel-gray eyes glanced from Isla to the rest of the members. One of his jet-black dreadlocks fell to his face.

"Duke Nix has a point, Your Grace," another member said. He was seated across from Duke Nix. He runs his fingers through ash gray hair as his gray-green eyes. "If we put the shield up, then no one will be able to leave or come in."

"Duke Ivar. Duke Nix. You must consider that we are in the middle of these confronting kingdoms," a member said with a grin. He folds his arms across his chest, making it look bulkier. He had messy fiery orange hair and golden brown eyes; he glanced at Isla. "Of course, this is sudden..."

Isla's lips parted, trying to come up with a lie to shield, but Edward, who stood beside Isla, spoke up. "I believe this must be placed in an effect. It has been hundred years since we were blessed with a Guardian, and now we have Isla. We know the rumors from the outside about guardians."

Isla's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing at Edward from the corner of her eye. What was Edward talking about?

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