Right now, my priority was just getting Minji and Haerin to get along again.

"AGAIN!" I ordered as I noticed the two were finally starting to finally loosen up with each other.

"You don't understand, I'm not ever like this...," I sang along with the lyrics as I instructed the stepped...

"Pass by each other and look, 1-2-3-4, dumm, dum, dum. Okay!"

"Lie to me, baby! Lie, lie- YESSS!!" I kept supervising the girls.

After a few tries, I knew that they knew the choreography....

They were just using my instructions as a crutch and an excuse to be close to each other.

"On your knees, turn, sit, clutch your knees!" I kept instructing the girls.

The choreography was set to have them inches apart while back to back, but this time they just ended up leaning against each other's backs.

"It's okay! Keep going!" I encouraged them.

"After everything we've been through,
you come crying to me...,
I gave you my trust, my heart, and everything inside of me.
Tell me how'd you pay me back?
You made a fool out of me
Can't you see what you're doing?
Left me, broken in pieces...,"

The girls were doing really well, it was getting very emotional. When suddenly...,

Haerin got up and ran out of the studio.

The whole class suddenly turned to look and us.

Minji and I turned to look at each and Minji just shook her head as if disapproving my actions.

I took a deep breath and then turned to walk out of the studio to go find Haerin.

- Haerin POV -

The situation with Minji was getting so confusing for me and Kid was not making it better.

I was so flustered and frustrated and Minji did not seem to realize how much it hurt that she chose Kid over me.

The whole situation was so frustrating and I just knew that Kid was trying to get into Minji's head too. It was so obvious.

"Haerin!" Kid suddenly ran out of the studio.

"Get away from me!" I coldly responded.

"Haerin, is everything okay? Do you wanna talk about it?" Kid asked.

"Just leave me alone!!" I yelled in frustration.

"Everything was fine. Minji and I were getting along and starting to have fun together. But then you came along and ruined everything!!" I angrily pushed Kid away from me.

Kid just snicker and took a deep breath.

"All you had to do was say how you felt. You don't need to act like a jealous friend. If anything, I should be mad at you for acting as I'm doing something wrong for being friends with Minji," Kid coldly responded.

"Why shouldn't I be mad? I don't even know what your intentions are with Minji!" I responded with the same demeanor.

"We're just friends, but it seems to me that you can't accept that. Whatever the reason might be that you're so upset about it, you need to figure it out if you don't want to lose Minji," Kid stepped up to my face.

"Is that a threat?" I stepped up to Kid's face too.

"No, it's a warning. Figure out your feelings and talk things out with Minji. I'm tired of you two behaving like jealous children. You either figure things out or you two will end up hating each other," Kid gave me a cold glare before turning to walk back into the dance studio.

After a few minutes of trying to calm myself down, I finally walked back into the dance studio.

It seemed like everyone was starting to pack up their things and leave.

"Hey, is class over?" I asked Minji as she grabbed her things.

Minji just sighed and walked out of the studio without giving me a response.

Minji was starting to avoid me again and it seemed like she wanted to get away from me as fast as possible.

"Dammit," I thought to myself.

I was starting to think that maybe Kid was right.

Maybe I was the problem.

I tried to calm myself down and started to pack up my things. Before I knew it, everyone had left.

Kid was the last one out before me.

"I don't get why Kid is so interested our friendship?" I thought to myself.

Even though Kid might be right about me and Minji falling out of our friendship...

I still didn't understand why Kid was so invested in it.

I also still didn't believe that there wasn't something going on between them....

But I knew I should just trust Minji.

Minji didn't have a reason to lie to me about her relationship with Kid.

But then again, it wasn't any of my business in the first place.

"Dammit! I'm so tired of this!" I thought to myself as I saw Y/n walking down the stairs from the dance studio.

I quickly grabbed my things and started to march my way in Kid's direction to give them a piece of my mind...

I wanted to tell Kid to stop meddling and that if they were going to have Minji in their life that they should treat her well.

But I abruptly stopped myself when I noticed something,

Someone suddenly walked up to Kid and kissed them.

"Woah, what the hell?" I was so shocked that I covered my mouth to prevent myself from gasping.

I watched Kid and the girl they were with share a long kiss, but when the girl pulled away...

She looked really familiar.

"Hi, Soojin-ah!" Kid giggled a bit.

My mouth suddenly dropped when I heard that name come out of Kid's mouth.








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