Micah x Reader comfort one shot (Rainbow friends chapter 2)

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3rd person pov:

The whole group was running through the woods

"It couldn't have happened on its own!" Elijah yelled

"No someone sabotaged our bus this wasn't an accident!" Shiloh yelled back. The group "Were back" shiloh said worried looking at the odd world ferris wheel 

"We can't go back in" Josiah frantically says

"Guys do you see that" Shiloh asked. The group walks up to an old man trying to break in 

"Ugh blasted security measures" the old man says

"Hey old guy why are you being sus right now" Judah asks the old man 

"What in the world are you doing out here" the old man says 

"Someone sabotaged our vehicle, I think it was red" Shiloh say

"A Red what?" The old man asks confused 

"Well he's kinda of a- he's gotta bug head and he- Wait do we even know what red is?" Micah trys to explain and fails 

"Its a long story involving a bunch of monsters trying to get us" Elijah explains 

"Monsters huh? I'm sure it's just your imagination, say why don't you help me get in here and we can find the sos light and we can call help for you vehicle, and no more nonsense about monsters" the old man says. Josiah and Robin hold the fence open for the old man and he walks through the fence. 

"Wells it's settled we'll look for a Taco Bell in the forest" Judab says happy 

"We can't risk getting trapped again" Elijah says scared 

"But this was red who did this to us, we all know it, as long as he's after us we'll never be safe, this can only end if we figure out how to beat him, and the only way to do that is in there" Shiloh trys to motivate us

"She's right" Daniel agrees

" are you ready to go back to odd world" Micah asks

"No" Judah asks sad. The group goes through the fence and into odd world

Y/n pov: 

We run into odd world all scared hoping to not get trapped again

"If they're here we need a place to hide" Josiah said 

"Like boxes" shilohs says. We each grab a box and run to the center

"It's the light but it's missing all the bulbs" Elijah said

"I really like the idea of calling for help right now" Daniel said 

"Daniel I think everyone likes that idea" I said sarcastically, he gives me a glare 

"Yea! Lets get some helicopters in here" Judah says with enthusiasm 

"Everyone find the light bulbs and clue about red" we went our seperate ways. I was looking for light bulbs. Mary started saying something 

"If this place is empty in the middle of the night, why are the lights still on" Mary said terrified. Then we heard stomps, Blue comes, we all start running away, I ran as fast as I could and found some more bulbs. 

"You know I think while looking for bulbs I'll look for some lore" I said to myself. I went around the park looking for bulbs, I didn't find anything, but I found sadly no lore either. I saw green and I avoided him really smartly. I heard blue and went in my box for a couple of minutes until I left. I saw Josiah go into this cave Ike thing, I assumed he was looking for a bulb. Then I heard

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