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He looked around at the state of everything. The destruction. The chaos. The bodies. The blood. He walked through the halls of his school of the past seven years and forced himself to not close his eyes.

Luna Lovegood. The sweet young woman who tried so very hard to warn him. If only he had listened.

Blaise Zabini. The young man who died protecting his pregnant husband, Neville Zabini née Longbottom, who died later on with their son, Apollo Blaise Zabini.

Draco Malfoy. The young man who was willing to try and do better. Not that the Order or Light Side cared.

He watched as the names grew and grew. The names mostly those with Dark Cores, or Grey Cores who allied and aided the dark. A few from the light who helped him in trying to protect the Dark.

"Death." He says softly knowing the immortal being could hear him.

"Master Hades."

He looked up to Death who merely wore a larger hooded robe. The being was a full skeleton. Classic Grim Reaper look if you asked him but he would never tell that to Death directly.

"You said I could go back in time, yes?" The man eyes tightly.

"You can."

"How far back, can I go?"

How far back can he go to try and prevent this? To prevent both genocides. That is what both quote, wars, were. The first, under Tom Riddle, was merely genocide against muggles and muggle-borns. The second, under a miraculously alive Albus Dumbledore, was a genocide against those with Dark Cores, and any who protected them.

"1940. As a first year at Hogwarts."

The man did the math. 1940. He knew at least Orion Black would be joining Hogwarts. Tom Riddle would be a fourth year. He knew Abraxas Malfoy would be in his first year as well. In fact, many Knights of Walpurgis were in their first four years of Hogwarts then.

He nodded. This was when he needed to go. He knew almost instantly how his life would change. When he arrived in 1940, it would be on the morning of September 1st. His name would be Hadrian Antioch Peverell. The only son of Adrian Peverell and Marlys Peverell née Flint.


"Hadrian, son, time to wake up."

Hadrian smiled softly as he awoke to his Mother's soft voice. His bright green eyes meeting hers before his face gained a look of excitement. He started Hogwarts today! He quickly rose from his bed causing his Mother to giggle softly.

"Easy my Snake. You have plenty of time. Get dressed and head to the dining room. Jitsy made all your favorites to send you off." Marlys stated kindly.

"Thank you, Mother." He said softly easing himself. "Are we meeting Orion, Abraxas, Alex, and their families there?"

In this time, in this life, he was best friends with Heir Orion Black and close friends with Heir Abraxas Malfoy and his cousin, Heir Alexander Flint. The four were considered in the Pureblood circles as the perfect Heirs. They knew how to have fun but knew when and where. Unlike other Heirs, such as Fleamont Potter, Septimus Weasley, Jacob Burke, and Eric Selwyn who had difficulty with such distinctions.

"Yes, we will meet them there." Marlys said kissing her sons forehead before leaving his room to allow him to change.

Once he finished getting ready, Hadrian quickly made his way to the private dining room of Peverell Manor within the family wing. It was much smaller than the one they used for balls and such parties. However, it nicely fit him, his Mother, and his Father. So he never sought to complain.

"Jitsy truly outdid herself today." He says as he sits taking in the amount of food on the table.

"Well, you know how Jitsy is." His Father said with a chuckle. "You are her favorite member of this family. Of course she is going to make sure you are well fed before going to Hogwarts."

"She probably thinks they will feed me nothing but junk." He says with a roll of his eyes.

The family of three laughed at that before eating mostly in silence. A few words would be said but mostly making sure Hadrian had what he required for Hogwarts. Did he have his books? Yes. Did he have all his clothes? Yes. His weekend robes? Yes. Was Athena's cage all cleaned up? Yes.

The questions mainly came from his Mother. Not that he would complain. His Mother was always a worrier. However, he knew it came from a good place. It also helped that everyday she did a similar routine with his Father, who was not only a Lord on the a Wizengamot, but as well as a British representative in the International Confederation of Wizards, or the IWC.

"Alright. Is your trunk in your pocket?" Adrian asked his son with a smile.

"Yes Father."

"And your Mother has Athena. Well. Hold on to my hand tightly."

The next moment Hadrian opened his eyes to see the Platform nine and three-quarters filled with people. However he quickly spotted his cousins, Uncle Marcus, and Aunt Melody. He laughed softly as his younger cousin, Allison, hugged him.

"Hello Allie."

He looked up to his cousin, Alex, who just rolled his eyes playfully. The three cousins were as thick as thieves in terms of the family. While Adrian and Marlys only had Hadrian, Marcus and Melody had four. The eldest, Alex, was of course to start Hogwarts with Hadrian this year. The next oldest, Allison, would start Hogwarts next year. After her were the twins, Artemis and Apollo, who would start in Alex and Hadrians fourth year.

"Alex, Hades, let's go! We'll miss the train!"

The boys in question looked up to see Orion Black and Abraxas Malfoy standing there utterly exasperated. Which made it all the more funny when their mothers, Melania Black and Cheríe Malfoy, quietly scolded them as they made their way over.

"I know you four are excited to get on the train," began Arcturus Black, smiling softly at the boys, "but please remember your decorum."

"Yes Father." Orion stated with a slight bow. "Apologies."

"Yes Lord Black." Said the other three boys with slight bows as well. "Apologies."

The family's mingled for a few moments longer before the boys finally made their way onto the train. In the front they noticed many rowdy children and teens. Many of them Gryffindors. They moved past that area quickly.

Next they noticed many of the Hufflepuffs. The students discussing who knew what. They were nice enough but the four boys knew their place. And it was not there.

Next was extremely quiet. Hushed discussions of Hogwarts, studies, and different projects went on. A few people with their nose stuck in books but still, all very hushed. No doubt this was where the Ravenclaws sat.

Then came the last part, the Slytherins. Most compartments held the students who already had formed their groups, most older students, and sat with each other.

Finding an empty compartment the boys all sat with a smile to each other. Finally. Finally their Hogwarts years were bound to begin that night at the sorting.

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