VIII - Screw Up & Scrutiny

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"Don't you need to leave soon as well?" Joohyuk asked when his eyes landed on the wall clock in their living room, where papers sat at the center table with great patience, waiting to be put in his bag as a final touch of getting ready. They were both fully dressed and good to go since they had just sent Sujin off to kindergarten. However, it was unusual to see Suzy lounging at the couch as if she's not in a rush this morning, or even so for the rest of the day.

She shook her head and finally told him, "I'm not going to work."

"Wae?" he curiously asked.

"I spent my deferred time off in lieu," Suzy hinted, letting him think why she would do that particularly on this day.

But when the curiosity in his eyes did not disappear, she let out a faint sigh.

"I thought of using it today, it's our anniversary anyway." She replied without looking at him.

Joohyuk's eyes widened then instinctively looked at his phone calendar. "Aigoo, maja. It's today. How can I forget," He responded in disbelief, more so with himself. "Mianhae, Suzy-ah."

"You had a lot in mind lately. I understand." She dismissed his apology and just completely laid herself on the sofa.

"I guess I've been quite neglecting some things since the beginning of the week." Joohyuk added, sounding guilty.

"Gwenchana, I don't mind." Suzy spoke nonchalantly, not knowing why she was suddenly behaving like an insecure girlfriend.

He reached for her hand and held it as he looked at her, saying, "I'll make it up to you today. We'll go wherever you want to."

"We can just stay at home. We don't have to celebrate. We're no longer married, and it's not like I took the leave to spend the day with you. I just don't know when else I would." She suggested, trying not to make the conversation drag out too long.

"Aniya, we should still celebrate. We are still parents and partners, and partners should do that, right?" he countered.

Suzy was unable to reply to that. She can't help but be upset. It's just been three weeks since they started living together again and now an important date slipped off his mind. She can't help but think that things were just smooth sailing in the beginning.

They've been through a lot and her expectations of him are a lot lower than before. Nonetheless, it still hurts to have herself disappointed over little things that do not meet her reckoning.

"How about a drive-in movie with Sujin after I get back home from work?" Joohyuk's question brought her out of reverie.

"That will be too late then." She mumbled, unable to mask her dissatisfaction.

"Ani, I'll file a half-day leave." He countered immediately, hoping that would let him off the hook.

"You're not supposed to do that," she replied, still displeased.

"I will because I want to. I want to spend time with you and Sujin. Please?" he persuaded her further.

"You're the one working, why ask me?" Suzy murmured, not knowing why she's still putting up a fight.

Joohyuk's brows furrowed, not getting why she's not letting him take a half-day leave when it's his way of trying to make up for forgetting this significant occasion.

"I'll still make time for you and our son even if I have a lot on my plate," he assured her.

Suzy did not respond and brought herself to the kitchen instead. She needed to occupy her hands and mind with something else.

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