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I'm just going to drop this here, run and pray.

Mag 🦋


Part three.

"Babe? Where are you?" - I could barely hear his voice on the phone due to the annoyingly crowded place and the people rushing past me.

I pressed a finger to my other ear, trying to cover the noise and focus just on Louis' voice through the speaker of my phone.

"Where we agreed on." - I yelled over the voices and the usual loud sounds of a train platform. Machinery, announcements in the speakers, horns and bells filling the background.

"I don't see you. Can you wave or something?" - Louis was screaming too.

I reached up in my tiptoes and stretched a hand over my head, waving in any direction.

"I'm extending my hand, do you see it?"

"You are? Fuck, I don't see it." - Louis sounded frustrated. - "Oh, wait. I do see you. Keep that hand high." - And with that he hung up.

I kept my hand in place, waving a little as I looked everywhere for Louis. People kept running and stumbling into me, pushing me and quickly apologizing. But none of them were Louis.
I turned around on my feet, trying to spot Louis somewhere, but the mass of people was making it impossible.

When everyone got off the train Louis was on, all types of people, color, sounds and smells were mixed, making it really hard for me to find my wonderful, yet on the shorter side, boyfriend.

I still hadn't spotted him when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind.

"Found you." - He said into my ear.

I smiled to myself, turning in his arms and hugging him back, burying my face in his neck and holding him tight.

"You took long enough."

"I know. I'm sorry this damn train took almost ten hours of our time together." - He said, running his hands on my back and hugging me tighter.

"Kiss me?" - I looked at him with imploring eyes.

Louis smiled, leaning up and kissing my lips.

"Missed you." - He said.

"Missed you more." - I pouted, hiding my face again in his neck. - "I can't believe I have to let you go again in two days. I just got you back." - I whined, kissing his throat and tightening my grip on the back of his coat.

"Don't think about it. Let's just think that we'll have two amazing full days together."

"Not enough." - I whined.

"But we're in Paris, city of love, right?" - He poked my bum. - "We'll make it worth it."

"I just want you to hold me." - I mumbled, my voice muffled by his shoulder and the loud platform surrounding us.

"I am holding you." - He said, swaying us from side to side and kissing my hair. Then, he put some distance between us and accommodated the duffle bag on his shoulder. - "C'mon babe." - He extended his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. - "Lead the way."

Reluctantly, I guided both of us out of the station and to the place where I had parked my car just down the block.
After tossing Louis' duffle bag on the backseat, I climbed into the driver's seat and waited for Louis to settle on the passenger side.
Louis smiled at me sweetly as I turned the music on but keeping it low volumed so we could chat. Louis grabbed my hand again, intertwining our fingers and resting them on my thigh as I started the car and drove around Paris' streets.

TRAIN [L.S] - One Shot Collection.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz