Chasing after love

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The two of them continued to sit on the stairs, not knowing what to do. A while after they stopped talking and just went silent, Gwen's phone buzzed. She only looked at it scarcely at first, but when she realised the potential of the message, she looked back at it again. An instantpost notification. Looking which account it was from, she quickly opened it, it leading her to the person's story.

Hobie's story.

There was only one photo on the story. No text, nothing else, just a photo. And it looked like it was taken that moment. But as she realised what was on the photo, which she did almost instantly, she became shocked by what she saw. It was a train station.

"What?! How, it's not even-" , she checked the time.

0:05. It was Sunday.

"It's already- Pav! Pav, you need to go, quick!"
, she tugged him by the shirt, alerting him.

"What, what is it??"

"Hobie, he's leaving soon! He's on the train station!!" , she shouted worryingly.

Pav's face froze. His last chance. It was soon to pass. But he didn't stay frozen for long, as he almost instantly stood up. So fast, his head spun for a good second.

"I'm going for him." , he looked at Gwen with determination in his eyes.

Gwen smiled before nodding. Her eyebrows frowning, but in a good way, as a way to encourage him. He gave a slight smile back, before turning his head away from her, looking at the long and wide street with a once again serious face and beginning to run.
He ran as fast as he could, the streets being more quiet since there weren't a lot of people on the sidewalks. The night sky making the whole scene even more adrenaline-filled with the building lights and street lamps contrasting the ominous darkness, almost as if leading the way for Pavitr. The train station seemed further than it actually was, him running at full speed, slowly getting tired. But he didn't give up. He was athletic, luckily, so it wasn't as hard to run that far, but as the train station appeared in front of him, his strength was leaving way faster. He was almost there. And surely enough, he entered the station. He frantically looked around, trying to spot a tall man with a unique taste in style. He quickly started walking all over the place, but the guy was nowhere to be seen. The station was big and there were surprisingly a lot of people, some blocking the others, so Pav couldn't see them. But just then, he saw the big hair. Those same dark wicks. And as the people standing in the way walked into the train, they met eyes. Both shocked, but Pav also being relieved. And so, he ran right towards the person he wanted to be with. The tall cool guy. The one he loved, Hobie.
He immediately hugged him tight, almost making them fall to the ground, but Hobie's foot saving them both. Pav squeezed tighter, so that Hobie wouldn't leave. He wouldn't have to anymore. He would be safe. Pav's soft and worried voice was the first thing the other one heard.

"I'm so glad I got here on time..."

"My train doesn't leave in the next 30 minutes." , he smiled, putting his hands around the shorter one.

Pav's head rised up to look at Hobie, their eyes locking. He still had a sad expression, but this time, instead of worry he felt sorry.

"I'm so so sorry, Hobie...I could've helped you, and I didn't. But I was just so confused, I didn't know what to do, thinking I would be wrong for going with my heart instead of my head, because the-"

Hobie cut off his explaining by holding his chin up with one hand, his other hand on his shoulder.

"Pav, its a'ight. I'm not mad, I'd never be."

"Please don't leave, I..." , he wanted to say it, but the train station full of people seemed like a weird place to do so.

As if Hobie completely knew what he was thinking, he took his hand and they left the station. They walked next to it and then went on top of a roof of a building that was close. It was quiet, and so they sat sat down onto the edge.

"Why...are we even here?" , Pav now looked confused.

"You didn't finish your sentence over there. Here's much better." , he just smiled as he looked at him, waiting for his words.

"Ever since we've met, you've felt...different to be around with than other people. At first I didn't know why, I just thought you were cool. But...when I finally realised what it really was too late. And now I'm here, taking my one and only shot. Because Hobie, I love you. I love you as well. And I don't want you to leave and be miserable. I want you to be by my side, okay? I want you to feel safe and cared about." , his eyes first looking into Hobie's, but slowly moving places, away from him as he continued to speak the rest.

When his eyes met Hobie's again, they looked at each other, Hobie smiling slightly. His hand moved towards Pav's and when their hands touched, the two's pink cheeks could be seen under the dark sky. The shine on both of their eyes, a reflection of the city lights, but also the stars in the sky, which weren't very bright, but still visible shined upon them and slowly but surely, their faces started getting closer, their hands starting to hold together with their fingers intertwined.
Their faces became inches apart, and that's when it happened.

The kiss.

It was long, but heartfelt, them being calm in the quiet spot. It was soft and not so strong, but that's how it was supposed to be. When they pulled away, Hobie softly brushed the other one's cheek.

"I want to be with you too."

Met by fate [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя