The actual truth

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It was a Sunday evening as Pav was going home from Gwen's house. The whole way home, he was thinking about the memories he made with Gwen and how much fun he had. They should definitely do it again soon.
As he entered his house, he was greeted by his aunt Maya, who gave him multiple kisses on his cheeks and then he went to his room. He lied on his bed in a calm mood, when the thought hit him like a train. Hobie. His mood changed immediately, he became sadder by each time he thought of him. He was confused. He didn't know what to do. He was so angry at him, but he felt bad for him as well.
He wanted to calm himself down, so he went to go grab a small snack. He sat at the table as he munched on a cookie from a box. Somehow, aunt Maya noticed he was feeling off.

"Pavi, mera ladaka, are you feeling down?"

"It's nothing, auntie." , he forced a smile, which looked surprisingly convincing.

His aunt looked concerned a little, but let it go.

"Alright, tell me when you need help with anything, okay?" , she told him.

He nodded and went back to his room. When he checked his phone, he noticed he got a message. It was from...Hobie. He opened the message, curious, kind of thinking he knew what Hobie wrote.


let me explain this mess


Of course he knew what he wrote. He wanted to hear him explain, he really did, but he somehow couldn't bring himself to text back. He plopped onto his bed and started thinking if he was the cruel one, the bad one. Hearing him out wouldn't hurt, but he was already hurt. So he wanted to distance himself. However, the other side of the conflict wanted to do the opposite.


let me explain this mess


He felt really bad. He loved him, after all. And as he was about to ignore him again, he grabbed the phone.


Then do it.


He still tried to look tough though. He expected a paragraph full of text, but it seemed like he prepared for the wrong thing.


can you meet me tonight? you know where


He was surprised, but was now panicking over what to do. Does he actually want to show up after he literally ran away from him the last time they saw each other? But what if he wouldn't? He wouldn't find out the truth. But just then, he shot up from his bed. He was going to go to that damn spot.
He said bye to his aunt after explaining he was simply meeting someone for a short while and barged out of the house. He walked way faster than usual, just to get it all over with. And sure enough, as he got closed to the meeting spot, he saw a tall silhouette, him. As he got close enough to see him face clearly in the dark, he stopped. He was standing a couple of feet away from him to symbolise the distance they both were in because of the conflict. His stare was angry, looking into his eyes threateningly. Meanwhile, Hobie looked serious, but also looked like he was waiting for a specific moment to say something. The two stared at each other in silence before Hobie finally broke it.

"I've problems, okay? My life is kind of in shambles right now. Of course, you wouldn't get it, there's no chance. But I'm tryin' to explain it right now, understand at least that." , he sounded off, sad but also disappointed and embarrassed, his face frowning, however.

Pav didn't know how to react, so he stayed silent.

"I'm pretty skint right now. Money is not somethin' I've gotten a lot of in my hand these past weeks. It's all hard. I knew stealin' wouldn't be ideal, but I had no choice, as it was too late after I've done it the first time. I feel guilty, so guilty. I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way."

Pav's expression softened a little, but he was still pretty angry as he kept silent again.

"A'ight. I get it. You're mad. And you should be. You don't have to say anythin'. Everythinng's probably over between us, or I think than you think so." , Hobie sounded low, making Pav feel worse each passing second. His mind was racing. He wanted to comfort him so bad.

"Why...did you keep this from me?" , he asked with a quiet tone.

Hobie fell silent. As if he was shocked by the question and he was finding a proper explanation.

"Because I thought you'd hate me. Pav, I became too attached to you, I was afraid of losin' you."

Pav was shocked as he said this. He didn't realise how important he could become to Hobie. There was one thing he wanted to do at that moment. And that was to kiss him. To tell him that he loved him and that he would help him. He wanted to save him.

"I...I'll see you another time." , he said and started walking away quickly.

Hobie had a devastating look on his face, standing frozen in one place, watching Pav walk away.
Pav was so scared. His feelings were too strong, he wanted to be close, but also chose distance at that moment. Why did he do this? Why was he walking away? He was confused and he hated it, he hated it so much. He came home and went past his aunt, walking right into his room. He lied onto his bed and bawled his eyes out. Aunt Maya came to comfort him, although he didn't tell her what was wrong. That night, he decided he wouldn't think about Hobie for a while again, for his own good.

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