But before she could process the horror fully, the scenery shifted yet again, leaving her utterly confounded. Now, she was with Charles, but the warmth and love she associated with him were absent. He loomed over her, his gaze cold and piercing, a stark contrast to the gentleman she knew.

Fear clenched at her heart as she realized that this was a nightmare within a nightmare, a twisted maze of her darkest fears and memories. Trapped in this surreal and terrifying dreamscape, she yearned for escape, for the safety of reality, where she could find solace in the arms of her love once more.

In the nightmarish dream, Charles's demeanor had shifted dramatically. He pinned Alexandra against the wall, his grip unyielding and threatening. His whispered words sent a shiver down her spine.

"You've been so good for me, my little flower."

 Panic surged through her, and she struggled desperately against his overpowering hold.

As he began to take the nightmare to a darker, more terrifying place, Alexandra fought with all her strength to break free, her fear and desperation mounting as his hands began trailing all over her body, hurting her just like Jackson had.

But just as the nightmare threatened to consume her entirely, she was jolted awake. Her screams tore through the hotel room, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Disoriented and drenched in sweat, she gasped for breath, realizing with immense relief that it had all been a terrifying dream.

As Alexandra's screams pierced the quiet of their hotel room, Charles was jolted awake, his heart pounding with alarm. In the dim light, he watched in concern as she scrambled out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. Fear gripped him, and he moved quickly to follow her, driven by an instinct to comfort and protect her.

But as he reached the bathroom door, his frown deepened. It was locked, and he could hear Alexandra inside, her distress intensifying with each passing second. The sounds of her panic, her tears, and her retching filled the air, and Charles felt a gnawing helplessness wash over him.

"Alexandra," he called out, his voice laced with worry. "Open the door."

He spoke gently but urgently, his heart aching as he longed to be by her side, to hold her and offer her the comfort and support she needed in this moment of crisis.

"Stay away from me, Jackson!" she shrieked. 

The name she called him struck him like a blow, and his heart ached with the pain of her distress. He knew that she was trapped in the aftermath of her terrifying dream, struggling to distinguish between the nightmare and reality. With a heavy heart, Charles tried to calm her, his voice trembling with concern.

"Mon Ange, it's not Jackson...it's Charles." he implored, his words gentle but urgent. "It was just a dream, love. You're safe now, I promise. Please, unlock the door. Let me in so I can hold you, so I can help you through this."

He could hear her breathing quicken, the sound of her tears and her distress breaking his heart. He continued to plead with her, his voice filled with love and desperation, as he longed to reach her and offer the comfort and security she needed in this moment of profound vulnerability.

In his frantic desperation to help Alexandra, Charles reached for his phone and dialed Lewis's number, the only person who shared the weight of this dark secret with him. As the phone rang, he felt a surge of relief when Lewis answered, even if it was in a groggy state.


"It's Lexi, please, come quick."

There was no time to waste. Lewis, recognizing the urgency in Charles's voice, sprang out of bed and rushed to their room.

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