xx. crowded room with a messed up mind

107 18 17

Its the worst when
you're in a crowded room
you just wonder

why you can only
hear your heart, not feelin full, booming thunders

Its the worst when
everyone's laughing
and smiles

and you're just there
with your dangerous mind
so vile

Its the worst when
everything's going so

and your thoughts for no reason start to get rude

Its the best when
everyone is happy

but it's the worst when you're holding back the tears you don't know why are coming just so it won't end poorly

Its always your mind

but that's also
because of the people who,
have never been kind


Context: "poetry is legit like the thought that found words but the words that couldn't explain the thought"

-Me at exactly 1:00AM after a party I didn't think I'd get depressed at but did which happens all the time should've expected my brain to play with me

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