Preparations in Suryagrah

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Next in line was Rani Leelavati, her smile radiating warmth as she applied the haldi paste to her son's skin. She whispered words of love and hope, knowing that this ceremony marked a significant milestone in Rajveer's life.

Following Rani Leelavati, other family members took their turns to apply the haldi paste and offer their blessings. Each touch and word conveyed their joy and best wishes for Rajveer's future.

As the haldi ceremony continued, it was time for Rajveer's younger siblings, Nayantara and Aditya, to take their turn. They approached their elder brother mischievously, each holding a handful of haldi paste. Instead of gently applying it, they playfully threw the entire paste over Rajveer, covering him from head to toe in the vibrant yellow hue. Haldi dripped down his face, and his dhoti was now a bright shade of yellow.

Rajveer's expression shifted from surprise to irritation as he looked at his mischievous siblings. He wiped the haldi from his eyes and face, his voice laced with mock annoyance. "Nayantara, Aditya! What have you done?"

Nayantara and Aditya burst into laughter, their faces filled with mischief. They exchanged mischievous glances, clearly pleased with their prank.

"Brother, we couldn't resist," Nayantara giggled. "It's all in good fun."

Rajveer couldn't help but smile despite his initial annoyance. He ruffled their hair affectionately. "You two are a handful, but I love you both."

The family members gathered around, sharing in the laughter and joy of this moment. It was a testament to the strong bond between the siblings, a bond that could withstand even the mischievous antics of haldi-filled pranks.

After the playful haldi ceremony, Rajveer took leave to cleanse himself. He headed to the royal bath chamber, where a luxurious and comfortable bath had been prepared for him. The haldi paste was carefully removed with water. A soothing paste of sandalwood was applied and massaged into his skin. Finally, he relaxed in a warm bath infused with milk and fragrant rose petals, a moment of tranquility amidst the joyful chaos of wedding preparations.

As Rajveer emerged from his bath, he was dressed in new clothes, his attire reflecting the significance of the upcoming wedding. The palace buzzed with activity, as preparations continued for the grand celebration that was now just around the corner.


As the day of the Mehendi ceremony dawned in Suryagarh, the palace buzzed with excitement and preparations. All the females in the palace, from the youngest to the oldest, gathered in a beautifully decorated room, eager to have intricate henna designs applied to their hands. This was a cherished tradition that marked the approach of a joyous occasion.

Rajveer, the groom-to-be, also found himself a part of this tradition. At first, he hesitated, unsure about adorning his hands with henna. However, under the gentle insistence of his grandmother, Vedika, and the knowledge of the tradition's significance, he relented. It was a gesture of respect and participation in the customs that would soon unite him with Advaita.

The palace had invited the finest henna artist to ensure that every design was a masterpiece. With skilled hands, the artist created beautiful and intricate patterns on Rajveer's palms, each line and curve telling a story of love and union. Vedika, with a twinkle in her eye, supervised the process, ensuring that everything was done with precision and care.

Amidst the artistic whirlwind, Rajveer's younger sister, Nayantara, couldn't contain her excitement. She approached the henna artist and made a special request. Despite Rajveer's initial reluctance, the henna artist delicately inscribed Advaita's name on his right palm, a symbol of their impending union.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with happiness and anticipation. As the females had henna applied to their hands, the younger generation, including Nayantara and her friends, couldn't resist the infectious rhythm of the dholkis. They started spinning and dancing to the lively beats, their laughter filling the air.

Meanwhile, the older ladies sang traditional folk songs, their melodious voices carrying the weight of tradition and joy. It was a moment of unity and celebration, where age-old customs merged with the exuberance of youth, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Rajveer and Advaita's lives.


The days leading up to the wedding passed swiftly in a whirlwind of preparations, customs, and ceremonies. Each moment was filled with anticipation and excitement as the grand day drew nearer. Soon, it was time for the most awaited event—the wedding day.

The distance between Suryagarh and Amravati was not short, and it took half a day to travel between the two kingdoms. To ensure that the wedding procession arrived in Amravati on the auspicious day, it was decided that they would depart from Suryagarh early in the morning.

The first rays of the sun would light their path as they embarked on this journey of love and union. It was a journey that would bridge the gap between two kingdoms, two families, and two souls destined to be together. As the day of the wedding dawned, excitement filled the air, and the palace of Suryagarh came to life in preparation for this momentous occasion.

A/N: A little something from suryagarh. 

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