The First Gaze

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The first light of dawn painted soft hues across the sky as a new day began in the palace of Amravati. Advaita had spent the night in deep contemplation, her father's words lingering in her thoughts. The question he posed about any requests she might have from Rajveer before their impending marriage had weighed on her mind.

As the sun's gentle rays filtered through the curtains, Advaita's resolve solidified. She knew what she wanted—a piece of home amidst the unknown territories of Suryagarh. With determination in her heart, she rose from her bed and stepped towards the table where parchment and ink awaited her touch.

Carefully, her quill danced across the paper, sketching the outlines of a room—the haven that had cradled her dreams and memories. Advaita's room was more than just a space; it was an extension of her soul. Her architectural imagination breathed life into the parchment, recreating her cherished sanctuary.

Her room in Amravati had always been a sanctuary—a place where her heart found solace and her creativity flourished. Divided into five segments, it held secrets and treasures that told the tale of her spirit.

Stepping into the chamber, one would be greeted by a small resting area adorned with plush sofas and a quaint table. It was a space for conversations, for moments of leisure.

Beyond that lay the heart of her abode—the inner chamber, her bedroom. It was a place of solitude and comfort, where her dreams took shape. The bedroom held four doors, each leading to a different facet of her sanctuary. One door connected to the bath chambers, where a sprawling pool awaited, its inviting waters a promise of relaxation.

Another door opened to reveal her closet, a treasure trove of her attire and accessories. Adjacent to it stood her dressing table, a space where she adorned herself with grace. The final door led to the balcony—a space that whispered of freedom and connection to nature. A swing, a cozy sofa, and a small table made this corner her refuge, where she could lose herself in thoughts carried by the breeze.

Inside her bedroom, her exquisite bed stood as a testament to her appreciation for beauty and comfort. In one corner, a grand bookshelf held a myriad of books, each representing a world she had explored within the pages. Paintings adorned the walls, each one a masterpiece she had lovingly crafted. Lamps cast a warm glow, and vases held flowers that brought nature's vibrancy indoors.

Advaita's sketch conveyed more than lines on paper; it was a piece of her heart, a mirror reflecting her essence. She captured the ornate details, the interplay of light and shadow, and the symphony of colors that resonated within her.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Advaita's sketch was complete—a tangible representation of her deepest desires. Just as she set the rolled parchment aside, the door to her chamber swung open, and in walked Reva, her chief maid and dear friend.

"Good morning, Princess," Reva greeted with a warm smile. Her eyes caught the glimpse of the parchment on the table, and curiosity sparkled within her gaze. "What's this you've been working on so early?"

"It's a drawing of my room. I want my room in Suryagarh to be just like the one here. So, I was planning to give it to Rajkumar. I was just about to leave to give it to babasa," Advaita explained.

"Alright, Advaita. If you want, I can pass it to Maharaj for you," Reva offered.

"No, I want to personally give it to him," Advaita replied, determination in her voice, as she stood up to make her way to her parents' chamber.

As Advaita reached her parents' room, she was informed that her father was in the meeting room. Adjusting her steps, she made her way to the meeting room.Just as Advaita was about to enter, her gaze was drawn to a man standing beside her father around the table in the meeting room. The sight of him took her by surprise, and she couldn't help but feel awestruck by his striking appearance. His features were chiseled in a way that exuded a captivating handsomeness, and his presence seemed to command attention effortlessly.

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