I'm just gonna rant for a sec <3

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So I ship theyna an there's this random person on a comment string on a story that had thaluke and I said noo what abt theyna and they were like no stfu they're not bi and it's not canon so just stfu and I was like two girls don't have to be bi to be in a relationship and just bc it's not canon doesn't mean I can't ship it and they were like they're not gay what can't u understand and I said igaf I can still ship it if I want in my world Thalias bi and reynas lesbian and they were like well in a normal world they're both hunters so they're not gay what can't you understand and bro I literally did nothing why are you bashing on my ship I just said I ship theyna why do you even care also reynas not a hunter even dumbass also the world's not normal dipshit and they still haven't replied so yeah

So fuck that persons dumbass 🖕🥴😡😡

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