The stupidest possible insults

18 2 5

• "You (object) with (body part)!!!!"
10/10 if u wanna be funny. I used this multiple times in a book myself.

• anything that's a minor inconvenience
Ex: "you juicy tomato!"
"You wet sock!"
"You expired milk carton!!"
12/10 agin great if u wanna be funny

• "I've seen salad that dresses better than you" 6/10 a bit petty but still good

• "you are the human equivalent of a participation trophy"
5/10 depends on if you think participation trophies are good

• "you lack so much brain matter that you would float on water"
1000/10 if it's a joke w a friend. 6/10 if it's in an argument, not very strong

• "id insult you but then I'd have to explain it afterward so never mind"
4/10 still doesn't rlly pack a punch

• "I looked everywhere. I looked in my desk I looked in my bathtub. I even looked in my wardrobe, but I just could not find where I asked for your opinion."
9/10 Def better than "who asked you?"

• "I've seen bread smarter than you"
6/10 Saw this in a meme and thought it was funny. Isn't this from high school musical? Blonde barbie pink lady said it?? Idk how to spell her name-

• "you are the irl equivalent of (stupid/useless/bitchy character that's generally hated by everyone in that fandom. See if your readers are your fandom buddies.)." 20/10. Fandom buddies! Slay

• "how can your iq only be in single digits?" 8/10 pretty good

• "your so scruffy the mirror told you to tuck your shirt in when you tried to take a look." (again, fandom buddies 🤩) 7/10 hp reference

•just call them names! Bitch, jackass, dipshit, ect. 9/10 Works pretty well unless you or a characters playing the victim lol

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