Chapter 7: The Wind Spirit

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Elias, (Y/n), Anna. Kristoff, and Sven walked through the trees, trying to find out where Olaf had gotten too.

They didn't have to wonder for long, when they saw Olaf spinning around in a tornado.


The tornado ran right at them and scooped them all up in its cyclone.

"Hey guys! Meet the wind spirit!" Olaf yelled over the wind.

Anna spun around and around in the winds, and started doubling over holding her stomach.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick!" She announced.

"I'd hold your hair back, but I can't find my arms!" Olaf told her, not seeing his arms sticking out of his head.

Kristoff and Sven slammed into each other, and got mixed up so it looked like Sven was riding on Kristoff's back.

Elias looked around and saw a sharp branch heading for (Y/n). He blasted it away with his magic, making the wind spirit take notice of him.

Leaves twirled around his hands, going through his sleeves. "Hey, stop!"

The wind spirit suddenly dropped everyone except Elias, going from a tornado to a ball of air floating in the sky.

Once the forest stopped spinning for everyone else, they looked up at the ball of air in concern.

"Elias!" (Y/n) called.


Inside the ball of air, Elias managed to steady himself enough, to blast magic out of both of his hands. The ball fell to the ground, and Elias stood firm trying to keep the winds away from him.


The rest of the gang were trying to get back inside the air to help Elias.

"Anna, be careful!" Kristoff warned.

"That's my brother!" She grunted, trying to get closer.


Inside the hall of air, Elias' magic was making it turn blue. He concentrated on trying to free himself when he hears someone laughing.

He looked up and saw a figure of a little girl laughing and running around. A figure of a boy appeared next, and someone called his name.

"Prince Agnarr!"

Several arms, brandishing swords swiped through the air, and a man with a bushy mustache emerged in front of Elias.

"For Arendelle." He muttered.

Elias let out a loud yell, and pushed his arms out, dissipating the ball of air, and leaving several statues made of ice behind.

"Elias!" (Y/n) rushed forward and hugged him. "Are you alright?" She asked, placing her hands on his cheeks.

Elias smiled and took her hands in his, bringing them down. "I'm alright, Snowflake."

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