All Just A Wish

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I think I'm unique
I see the world in a different view from the others
I know
The true dark of a lot of fallacious and deceitful facts
And I also know enough to be aware
of how little I know
and how much I can do to change that
if I can get through all of the astronomical ifs hindering me
Oh yes I know
And most others don't know
They can't understand
because they're so preoccupied
with their lives
with their social bonds
with their hustles
while these things are often the first I think of
whenever I wake from my slumber
I understand
Most cannot even imagine the true realities beyond what they see
what they are made to see
to hide the deep dark truth
Which I only need but a little clue
to realize
does exist

Impressive, maybe
but deep down,
when I'm really deep under
I wish
I really wish
that I wasn't different
that I wasn't unique
that I was none-the-wiser
that I was normal
At such times
I really do wish
I can just start it all afresh
This life
Develop differently
from childhood
Socialize like people are meant to
and follow a different path
a normal path
and forget all about my current life
or just reminisce on it from time to time
remembering when
I was unable
unable to feel real happiness
unable to experience friendship
unable to escape the shackles of depression
of ennui
unable to feel loved
unable to feel love existed
And perhaps I will then shed an emotional tear for once as I cease the flashback
then smile at my love
and mentally envisage the friends I now have
while she wonders why I shed a tear
but smiles back at me
and holds me in warm embrace
because she knows
she knows
I'm just alright now

But that
is all just a wish
A product of
Reality is harsh
Reality is strict
Reality does not waver
I have to deal with
the me I found myself to be
Until the end
However I end

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