Chapter 38 - Rescue

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Thank you for reading🙏

Hope it reaches your expectations😊

Let's get into the story🥰😍


After they threw out Devikha from the company, only Thiwat's left in the cabin. Jennie and Ohm left, giving space to the family. Three of them settled on the sofa.

Prayukt - "Are you insane to have friends like that? She is crazy. For a few minutes, she created a tornado in our lives. I was really scared when she said, they kidnapped you and held you hostage for more than a year."

Type - "Urmmm.. She is just like that but I didn't expected this extent."

Narong - "We are glad that what she said was wrong. We don't want to imagine you being tied for a year. That's horrible." Type looked down, thinking he really went through that pace.

Type - "Don't worry, grandfather. Nothing like that happened." Narong nodded and looked at Prayukt.

Narong - "What about you?"

Prayukt - "Me? What about me?"

Narong - "You kissed a boy." Prayukt flustered at his Grandfather's words. Type chuckled.

Prayukt - "Old man, I just wanted to know. It's nothing." Anyone can see how red he turned.

Narong - "By the way, what's his name? Vernon, right? Where does he live?"

Prayukt - "I don't know" He folded his arms in front of his chest, turned his face away with a huff.

Type - "My dear brother, lying is bad. You know where he lives. Grandfather, Vernon, living in the Netherlands."

Narong - "You said you broke up with your girlfriend and wanted me to look for a partner. Shall I go and meet Vernon?"

Prayukt - "Stop teasing me, you both. He is already married and has kids. And leave me alone." He left the cabin while stomping his foot angrily, making Narong and Type laugh out loud. Narong also left, leaving Type all alone in the cabin. He sighed in sadly. He can't tell his family what he went through. It surely hurts them.

As soon as Narong left, Ohm entered inside. He was waiting for everyone to leave.

Ohm - "Are you okay, Type?"

Type just nodded.

Ohm - "Can you take a rest? I will call Gulf to take care of things here."

Type - "He is pregnant, Ohm. Work will exhaust him."

Ohm - "Don't worry. He loves to work. Take a rest, you have counseling in the evening." Type nodded and left for his penthouse, which is in Top floor of the company.

Ohm called Gulf to come to the company and told him Type went to take rest. And told him everything that happened in the company.

Gulf was hurt to know, Devikha was ready to expose him. He thought she loved him and he learnt today that he mistaken about her love towards him. It's fine because he can move on without any guilt now.


After getting teased by his grandfather and his brother, he came to the office cafeteria to have a drink. When he was walking towards the counter while looking at phone, he bumped into someone.

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