Chapter 34 - Marrying Him Again

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Third Update of the day🎉🎊

Hope it reaches your expectations😊

I will try to update one or two chapters every day.

Let's get into the story🥰😍



Gulf - "What we did wrong and it's a criminal activity. I know, we will get punished by law."

Kao - "Baby, I only think about you, not about them. I don't care about her and about Ohm, Nanon will take care of it. What you did is not wrong, baby. You never wanted to do this. You are kinda forced into this. I asked you to tell me what happened because I might know what happened but not in depth or not from your point of view. I wanted to know your thoughts on this. As I guessed, you don't want to do this and even after replacing him, you are kind enough to think about this family and company, you are my good boy. Even if you are the main culprit, who planned everything, I still love you."

Gulf - "Why?"

Kao - "Am whipped for you. My love towards you might be toxic or I am attracted to red flags." He chuckled while saying it, making Gulf smile at him.

Kao - "But my baby is a good boy. You know, a good boy deserves rewards." Gulf raised an eyebrow.

Gulf - "Really?"

Kao - "Yeah" He said, kissing all over the face of Gulf and making him giggle loudly. Since evening, the mansion is filled with his cries now it's glowing with his giggles.

Kao - "Let's sleep. It's already late. Let's talk in the morning." Gulf nodded while snuggled into Kao's chest more and Kao hugged him tightly, making him feel comfortable.

Kao drifted into sleep thinking, his baby trusting him and loving him also chose him over her. Gulf drifted into peaceful sleep thinking, someone accepted him even when he was at fault. He felt peace in Kao's arms, knowing his husband will be with him whatever the situation might be. He slept peacefully for the first time after replacing Type.


Kao woke up earlier than Gulf and prepared breakfast for him. He prepared a simple breakfast for him.

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While preparing breakfast, he called Nanon.

Kao - "Nanon, I expect to see you and your boyfriend in my mansion for lunch. Come with documents and bring what I asked. And also call Jennie, ask her to block all the black cards Type has." Nanon said yes and hung up.

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